glojo said:
Hi Goldfish,

You were indeed one of the experts I referred to. In my post I asked about leaving polish on a car for an extended period before removing it. 48 hours has been mentioned and you mention 24.
I am terrified of very small particles of grit settling on the bodywork and being picked up by the soft polishing cloth? Would this lead to more swirl marks?
Any vehicle driving pass a parked vehicle can easily stir fine granules off of te road surface and make them airborne. Am I being alarmist?
John the cautious
Only slightly alarmist, you do need to take precautions.
I dont leave the Klasse or AG on for 24hours, I generally leave it on for a few hours (2or3) but then I put a new coat on after 24hours. Remember we are dealing with molecule coatings of stuff.
If you use the right amount of product you dont need to rub hard. Remember Autoglym Extra Gloss or Klasse SG need to be applied "whisper thin".
If you leave the car once you have done this you can see if any dust has landed, but I also use a californian car duster that I got from Autopia (very fine cotton mop thing impregnated with parafin I think). This clears all the dust. I then give it a careful wipe with a nice soft microfibre cloth and all dust is removed. You probably can do more damage washing the car again, if you can dust or use detailing spray this is much kinder.
Also to avoid swirl try polishing the car in a long wipes rather than using a circular motion, do this length ways. Swirl is swirl becuase of the circular motion of the fine marks, long length ways marks are harder to see.
I have not yet had a problem (but do have a rather nasty circular mark on my rear bumper where the lorry hit my car, but my porter cable will never get that out)
Once you have put on your first coat of Klasse all in one, followed by Klasse SG the finish is so slick dust just falls off. I have even used my vacuumn cleaner on blow to shift the stuff but my neighbours thought I was mad.
I wish this site had a speling chiker