Sounds much easier than I found it to be, trouble is mine was/ is quite deep, so been filling it slowly over time, but the wiping off bit is difficult, too soon its wiped out , too late, big bobble , so clean up and start again, I think that when I first started days ago the weather was not warm, that didn't help, today I've given it another go, and its been a bit better, though I now have a cunning plan, I've done as much with chip ex as I think I'm able, and now have topped it with a small blob of MB's colour coded touch up, which brings it very slightly above the original finish, will leave it overnight to harden up, and tomorrow attempt to cut it down flush. Imagine most of you are now flinging your arms in the air in horror, I am a bit, not least because not sure how to smooth it off, any suggestions welcome, if all goes well, will post a picture of my best attempt.Quite understand Sutch 01's post and I may well give up if it all goes t*ts up this time, good luck with yours MJ hope it goes well.