Reconning a box is childs play for anybody that can take something apart and put it back together in an ordered and logical fashion. When I did mine in the summer it took 3 days and it was the first box I had ever removed and taken apart, its really not difficult. Most designers (I know I do it) design things that can only be assembled one way to help the muppets that build them in the factories. You would really have to work to get it back together wrong. Chances are its the synchromesh in third which works on a taper lock which obviously isnt locking, reasons for this could just be knackered oil thats full of swarf (generic term for any "lumps" of metal you dont want, this could be filings or peices of gear) which stops the taper lock locking or that fact that it is broken and wont stay together. All gearboxes have a magnet inside them to catch any metal floating about which has iron in it but there is also brass and phospher bronze inside them which will obviously ignore a magnet.
Anyway if somebody has offered 600 sheets to recon a box I would rip their arm off. It took me three days and was OK as I was not working at the time, think how long it takes you to earn £600 and whether you could do the job yourself and then see whether its worth it, thats why I dont do all the work on my car as its cheaper to get somebody else to do when you look at loss of earnings.
I use a Merc specialist breakers in Ireland and they are very very helpful, If anybody has manual boxes they will and they will just courier it to you.
They are,
Malloy Motors,
Also to the person wondering if the six speed would fit I would say that it would but thats not set in concrete. I think the box is the same length, the connecting rods may be the same but you will need a new shifter unit, and for gods sake if anybody takes a box off mark up what rods went where because if you dont you mathmatically have 81 combinations to get them back, a little bit of tipex goes as long way......
Also if any manual owners out there look in the side of their box near where the rods are and see a slightly hexagonal black/grey plastic moulding go and get it changed for a metal one. This is what went on mine and for £17+VAT you can save a rebuild or it breaking down, its a worthy investment. I will take a pic of where to look when its light and hopefully get it on here if I can figure it out.
thats all folks, hope this has been some help, my number is 07879 656210 if you want help doing a box and your local or just want a verbal talk-through,