To determine accurate sensor location for the CPS at the flywheel, first catch your TDC as Mrs Beeton might have said if she'd been a mechanic. Helpfully some nice chap in Germany had put this calibrated wheel on the front crank which, oddly, showed 0|0 at TDC on the inlet stroke (we checked with piston and cam position too, just in case).
Very unhelpfully the flywheel was not organised in such a nice Germanic way with marks and dials, and worse, the bolt pattern was not helpful. So, first we estimated where we were going to put the CPS, half way along the back plate inspection hole.
Given that the gap toothed bit of the triggerwheel needs to be 60degrees in advance of the CPS location, we marked a further 10 degs on the timing wheel (it goes out to 50 retardation) and with the timing wheel at 60 degrees we marked the position on the flywheel that corresponded to the CPS marked position.
The red mark on the starting ring teeth (painted on the back then marked at the front) then becomes the datum line for exactly half way along the gap tooth (which were there to be a tooth there, it would bisect it). When put back to TDC, the flywheel will be advanced 60 degrees ahead of the CPS location.
Now all this has a measure of imprecision, but when the trigger wheel is attached to the flywheel (if done accurately, which I expect) the CPS location will be determined by the half way point on the tooth 6 on from the centre of the gap. So we can adjust the CPS position precisely from that.
I think...
In other bits of progress, found out where and what thread the coolant temperature sensor needs to be. Another interesting tidbit - the manifold on the slightly later engine bought from Germany (at least I believe it so) is almost exactly the same as the one from mine, but for the linkage pivot in the centre - my old engine has a pivot that makes the pedal travel non-linear, so the first 50% (estimated) of movement of the pedal makes for only 30% movement of throttle butterfly. Whereas the later manifold it is 1:1 all the way through the pedal movement. Which means I have a choice as to how linear I want my throttle. Choices choices...