Having spent much time selecting and then burning MP3 formatted tracks to CDs for the glove box Multi CD player in the late 2008 W209 CLK, I find the maximum number of MP3 tracks shown in COMAND for each such CD is 99 tracks.
Is this a display or a player limitation? - viz although there are 150 tracks per CD I can only see 99 yet can play all 150, or just play 99.
If the former no real biggie; if the latter a stupid limitation.
If the latter is there a workaround (firmware update etc)?
I appreciate the Aux input alternative exists, but to not have the inclination to use it.
Is this a display or a player limitation? - viz although there are 150 tracks per CD I can only see 99 yet can play all 150, or just play 99.
If the former no real biggie; if the latter a stupid limitation.
If the latter is there a workaround (firmware update etc)?
I appreciate the Aux input alternative exists, but to not have the inclination to use it.