Anders said:
62 litres tank (what a joke!)
Not quite sure of the point of all this! Presumably a C43 has the same size of tank as a C180. You're not going to go as far in a C43 - DAHHH!!!
I see it's been a couple of years since the last mpg post.
For years and years, I've kept a little book (Oh yes!) and noted my mpg by maxing the tank every time. Yes, a bit anally-retentive, but I reckon anything unexpected might warn me of looming disaster
And having got to know some of the fellow saddos on this forum, I feel I can confess to this quirk!
Anyhow, I can tell you that my 124 Coupe has a 70 litre tank including 9 litres reserve - and the light is very accurate.
Without the aid of Chrome Pedals, but with aircon always on, say 15% urban motoring....
Over 20,586 miles - Average 26.6 mpg; £2545.51; ave 72.3p per litre.
Farthest distance, before nerve ran out - 433 miles; 62 litres; 31.7 mpg
Best tankfull - 425 miles @ 33.6 mpg
Worst tankfull - 240 miles @ 18.6 mpg
Contrary to some opinions expressed here, I believe cruise control saves petrol!