Dieselman The toe is correct the camber is too deep, should be 1-38' +- 0-03'
The camber is affected by ride height, which in your avatar picture looks too low.
Thankyou for that, Im not saying it is not too low because it proabably is but that foto was taking on a sloping floor , if you look in the centre of the car,the line where the concrete join is, its not flat and points slighlty up
I have measured from the centre of the wheel to the bottom of the arch and the following confirms more work required as it sits down on the right rear
nsf 346 osf 345
nsr 357 osr 340 all mm's
I was thinking about getting from merc some of the spring packers to lift it on the right rear a little but I think the correct answer involves quite alot bigger spends.
I have checked the springs which as suspected and probably usual for that kind of age, are rusty, although I wouldnt say excessively and I guess they have sagged at best
The offside rear strut ram thingy has a slight misting of oil but not running out,I keep meaning to wipe it clean to see how bad the seepage is,but she doesnt loose (I nearly said use but that wasn't right) any quantity of oil, no top up required in 6 months.
I do love her but I think i'm just about to find out how much that luxurious motoring costs,
mind you the last spends was nearly 300 quid on dynamat and nearly a grand on a stereo amp and sub (which sits where the spare wheel used to go), I know its not break the bank money but I am poor, and feeling poorer by the minute
Thanking you in anticipation and hoping you understand my onf finger poking typing