There is very little point as it happens so often, some people seem to love to race the emergency services, or can't bear to be overtaken by
I will report them if they block me/force me to slow or change direction though.
I cannot imagine what type of officer would allow a member of the public to overrtake them at the speeds being discussed and NOT take any action???? I am at a loss to figure that one out.
I weas thinking you were going to say it was a colleague on a police bike showing you that you were not making enough progress.
I take it you were speeding for a reason?
If you were making progress as fast as you deemed safe for the location and the conditions; then in your professional opinion, what was the riding style of this member of the public, were thery riding in a safe and responsible manner?
I have heard lots of folks on t'internet that claimed they went through red lights to get out of the path of an emergency vehicle.
All I will tactfully say is that we as road users should always assist the free passage of emergency vehicles that are in a hurry. Usually the best thing to do is either maintain a constant speed or perhaps consider gently pulling over to your nearside but obviously every situation will be different.
Red lights
A good professional emergency driver will assess the approaching hazard, determine a course of action and maybe even switch off the audible device if they assess there is no way they can safely negotiate the hazard.
If weas the lead driver feel that we are obstructing this vehicle and if we feel that slowly creeping forward might allow the emergencey vehicle to clear the lights, then we are taking a gamble
Camera's take two sets of pictures and the offending vehicles speed can be assessed, PLUS the emergency vehicle will be in the frames.. I do NOT accept folks that say they drove through a red light at what they considered a safe speed and the emergency vehicle was some distance away... that is taking the mickey and they are liable to prosecution. If we gently pull forward, then the chances are we will not get prosecuted