Thanks for the great ideas and constructive and practical solutions!
Hi everyone
Thanks very much for all your wonderful replies and constructive approaches to this problem. Sorry for delay in replying - I went away for the weekend to 'de-stress' and feel all the better for it.
To summarise the points made, the first five points suggest some things to do about the audio equipment, and the last five suggest some ways to take the issue further.
1. Give the stuff back (eventually) but sabotage it in some way;
2. Say that the stuff in the car was stolen (I left it unlocked one night or it was broken into) and then sell it;
3. Say that I don't know what they are referring to as I haven't seen anything that isn't mine;
4. Ask him for the original receipt and proof of ownership;
5. Turning the audio equipment into the police to see if it was stolen;
6. Write a letter to Chief Constable or Complaints Dept airing grievances;
7. Write letter to papers and MP;
8. Make enquiries to police about who he bought it from, why isn't he claiming the money back, who did he get insured with, and perhaps asking my insurers to claim against his;
9. Put a claim against him in the civil court for costs and expenses he has put to me;
10. Sell up and move to the island of Tonga and forge a living as a coconut shaver.
Ok, the last point is mine and reveals a lifelong ambition, but perhaps I'm still not ready for that challenge yet.
As an update - I spoke to the policeman in Ipswich yesterday and he promised to send my keys and documents back today (and I asked him to do it recorded delivery), so hopefully I will receive them today. Before I do anything about the audio equipment or contacting the police again I wish to have the keys in my hand and check to see which ones work with the car. I suspect that the thief changed the ignition barrel and my original keys don't work.
(As an aside here - may I ask your opinion on this other but perhaps related matter. Back in December this year the ignition barrel broke and I couldn't start the car. I went to the local Mercedes garage and asked for a new ignition barrel to be made up for my current key. As that would take some time to make I also bought a new barrel with its own key and I had this fitted straight away so I could drive the car immediately, thinking I would swap them round later. Hence at the time it was stolen I had one key for the door and one key for the ignition. Now, when I picked the car up from the garage in Ipswich the manager said that there had been no entry damage to the car whatsoever, suggesting the thief had a key to get in. No windows were smashed or locks look like they were picked. If the thief had a key for the door how easy would it be for him to hotwire the car and would damage to the ignition barrel result from this?)
Now, once I get the keys back I intend to check that car once more as I say. I may need to get in contact with the insurance company if I find out my original keys don't work and get them to pay for changing the ignition barrel again (I can still claim now can't I?)
Next, I will just wait to see if I am contacted again about the property. At the moment I don't have a key for the boot (it only opens by central locking and my battry is flat) so I can't say what's inside. I think I will just try to drag this on as long as possible without giving too much away. I will ask for my property back first (stereo, CDs, MP3 thingey, car vacuum cleaner, mats) and then ask him to prove he owns it.
I also agree with glojo that it would be foolish to risk anything for the sake of a lump of metal. The thief does know where I live because he found my documents in the glove compartment when he stole the car. I also found out from documents which he left in the car that he is associated with two addresses in London and that he claims benefits and has been to prison. To be honest, I just want to be done with the whole thing, although I am intending to contact the papers and my local MP and leave a letter of complaint with the police complaints department. And when it comes to giving the stereo back I will check it against the stolen property list first.
I will also give my insurance company his details to see if they can claim anything on my behalf.
But thanks to all for your support and great ideas - I will keep you posted with developments.