Neither of these scenarios would stick.
Murder has to be pre-meditated so the prosecution would have to prove that was the case and the idea of charging someone with DBDD for a simple error would also be wrong,.
Take an example of someone who pulls out because they have been flashed out of a junction. They move forwards and don't see a motorcyclist and have a collision in which the M-cyclist dies.
That doesn't constitute dangerous driving, simply a lack of enough care.
The law doesn't work on prosecuting people for the results of their actions, just the action itself, otherwise there would be massive imbalances of penalty on a random basis.
Driver A: Young scally drives everywhere like a loony and has numerous accidents but fortunately nobody dies as a result.
Driver B: Normally drives with due diligence and carefully, but one day doesn't see a cyclist at a junction due to parked cars, pulls out and kills the cyclist.
With your method driver A gets a light penalty and driver B goes to prison. That wouldn't be right as their actions were not bad enough to warrant that, they made a mistake.
Your totally correct,
In our modern age we have to prove the dangerous aspect of the driving when someone steals a car, has no driving licence, and no right to be on the road and then kills two or three children who are innocently stood at a bus top. You are totally correct to say that this toe rag will merely say he had a 'lapse of concentration' and he is very sorry for killing the children! Yup he will probably get prosecuted for driving without due care and of course the other motoring offences.
Whereas I say this person should be charged with murder, they had NO right to be in the car, they give up the right to say sorry the instant those wheels start to rotate. Anyone that should not lawfully be driving has no excuse for whatever happens. I don't care if a child runs staright out in front of them, they should not be in that lethal weapon (the car). They are illegally on the highway and cannot offer any mitigation or excuse.
I suppose we could do away with the offence of death by dangerous driving for those that are legally on the highway. Perhaps on reflection we could have a new offence simply called 'Death by driving' or similar wording and then let the court decide on a suitable
I wish I could agree with you about this 'momentary' lapse of concentration, but we MUST surely take into consideration that this 'momentary' lapse has caused the death of a fellow human being.
If a member of my family was run down whilst crossing the road at at pelican controlled crossing and the offender went through a red light and ended up with 3 points and a £300 fine because they had a 'momentary' lapse of concentration is that right or just?
When driving a motor vehicle we are in control of a lethal weapon and a momentary lapse can kill. I'm sorry to disagree, but it saddens me when I continually read about drivers that have this momentary lapse and then laugh at the grieving family when they get their 3 points and a £100 fine for killing someone.
As I keep saying, if you want to murder someone. then simply run them over and say sorry.
Job done, 3 - 6 penalty points and a fine.
I fully accept you and all the legal beavers think I'm nutty, but to me the nut cases are those that let these oafs laugh at them as they walk out of the court having killed someone and only been fined for their actions.
Your 'flashing' example merely highlights the incompetance of the offending driver. Flashing headlights is NOT mitigation and certainly does not give any driver the right to close their eyes and pull out in front of a motor cyclist. We all accept that a driver might flash their lights to allow us to puill out, BUT..... it is our
responsibility to ensure it is safe to proceed and yes with our modern interpretation we would struggle to convict this driver for causing the death of the motor cyclist by their 'dangerous' driving, but to me this driver has killed this person and deserves to go to prison and a due care conviction will probably not grant my wish.
Death by Driving