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TMC Update

I'm counting the days to my E350, but I doubt I will get any progress on the TMC issue. I will try, though. Of course, I don't want to ruin my relationship with the dealership, either. They've been helpful in the past.
Newbie question.

Seeing as I have the attention span of my goldfish. I have read through the thread thus far, and hope I have got this right?

1: DVD command TMC does not work because Merc do not have a contract with them?

2: Even with the latest Map update Jan 05 the situation has not changed?

3: We are stuffed till Merc sort it out?

6 days to my E320CDI, with DVD comand :)

Regards Paul.
drifting said:
We are stuffed till Merc sort it out?

6 days to my E320CDI, with DVD comand :)

Hi Paul,
You have it 100% and I am gradually mellowing and coming to accept that we will all probably have to bite the proverbial, if we want our TMC COMAND to eventually receive its signal and operate the Dynamic Route Guidance..

Mercedes-Benz have had to pay for a licence to receive the signal!

good luck with your excellent choice of vehicle.

Did you opt for the fuel hungry EU4 version?

glojo said:
Did you opt for the fuel hungry EU4 version?


Worrying :eek: I have no idea what an EU4 is? My car plate is an 2004/04, How can I find out the EU bit? Had a 270CDI for the past couple of years that has helped me convince the boss (Wife) that the new one will not use THAT much more fuel. :devil: (Ok so I may have fibbed)

Regards Paul.
drifting said:
Worrying :eek: I have no idea what an EU4 is? My car plate is an 2004/04, How can I find out the EU bit? Had a 270CDI for the past couple of years that has helped me convince the boss (Wife) that the new one will not use THAT much more fuel. :devil: (Ok so I may have fibbed)

Regards Paul.

Hi Paul,
I am surprised the sales person did not explain or offer you the option. EU3 and EU4 are European stipulations relating to fuel 'pollution' (The revised engine has reduced nitrous oxide and particulate emissions to meet the new regulations, but a slightly higher CO2 output)

I have no idea on pricing but the EU3 is 4 mpg more economical over the EU4.

The 270CDI is only about 1 mpg more economical than the 320CDI EU3, but there is a noticeable difference in
between the two engines in your favour ;)

Good luck,
Thanks John.
Well my car is an Ex demo, so knowing my luck it will probably be the EU4 version, but whatever.... Have to say when I test drove the 320 did notice one hell of a difference on the engine noise, as well as it taking off really well.

Suppose I ought to drag this back onto thread. Re the TMC, you say that MB have now bought the rights to use it? Are we then just waiting to hear? or has it been released? Did confuse the saleman when I dashed to the back of the car and pulled out the DVD disk to find the version (3.0) and pointed out that I wanted Jan 2005 version, I left him podering that one. Being a bit of an IT nut (Worked on computers since the early 80's) I made sure yesturday that my car had the Audio jack in the glove box (Which a chap on here kindy supplied a picture of) Think the sales guy thought I was off my trolly.

Regards Paul.
drifting said:
pulled out the DVD disk to find the version (3.0) and pointed out that I wanted Jan 2005 version,

:) Well done, I wonder where they will try to get version four from?

I have no idea when version four was released but it was last year sometime.

Back on thread with TMC.

Mercedes-Benz have bought a licence to receive the signal from ITIS, but a member of the Resolutions Team has informed me in writing that it will not be available until 'later in the year'.

The woman that told me this, also told me the software was wrote by 'TeleAtlas' (It is not) so I tend not to take what she says as the final word.

Good luck,

(Hopefully your car will be EU3. The newer one has only just been released)
Version 4 was released in Oct last year. I have a copy - doesn't make much difference to Ver 3. The car will be EU3. MB only started making the EU4 version for the UK in Nov / Dec.

saorbust said:
Version 4 was released in Oct last year. I have a copy - doesn't make much difference to Ver 3. The car will be EU3. MB only started making the EU4 version for the UK in Nov / Dec.


Thanks Clarky,
If the car was an 04 plate then it will as you quite rightly point out definitely be an EU3 engine (more economical) but it would only come with version 3 software?

As you have already mentioned there is very little difference visually between three and four. It would be nice however to have the very latest software.

Somewhere on this forum I have read of someone having version 4.1? Have you any knowledge of this, it seems strange that they have broken away from straight numbers?

Nice speaking to you,
Hi John,

Correct. It will have version 3 software. Version 4 appeared in cars during September last year (my business partner had her car delivered two weeks after mine - she had V4, I had V3 !!).

I've not heard about V4.1 - I'll try to find out more if I can.
Just heard back from MB yesterday - TMC will be available "later in the year". Because it has cost MB to licence, they will be increase the option cost of COMAND for new vehicles and will charge existing customers for the updated disc when it arrives.

I'm now thinking about embarking on a "misrepresentation" journey - I specced COMAND on the basis that MB told me that TMC / Dynamic Routing was available and no mentioned was made that it needed licencing.

The other annoying thing was that the response I had (from a director of the company) took nearly a month to get AND had less detail and information than you can get in this forum.

Rant over - for the time being........
Good morning everyone,
I have recently read a message on another forum which I believe is of interest to members reading this thread.

Oslo said:
The next EU version (5.0) coming this spring will bring Bird Eye View (or 3D) to the E-class

Oslo is someone I hold in very high regard, and if he states there is an upgrade coming out this Spring, then as far as I am concerned, there is an upgrade coming out this Spring.

Will it have our TMC upgrade?????? Who knows.

Both myself and others have received communications from Mercedes-Benz UK stating this upgrade will be released in the 'late summer', so we just have to wait and see.

I have no further knowledge of this latest information, and ALL credit must go to 'Oslo'.


Hi John,

Hope the news is correct - it is about time we had the option of 3D, I was watching a program about Japan - can't remember when or where - and if your car had the same system as all the cars around, then they would all show up on the display in real time.

MikeL said:
Hi John,

Hope the news is correct - it is about time we had the option of 3D, I was watching a program about Japan - can't remember when or where - and if your car had the same system as all the cars around, then they would all show up on the display in real time.


Hi Mike,
;) I saw the same program. Unbelievablely impressive.

glojo said:
Good morning everyone,
I have recently read a message on another forum which I believe is of interest to members reading this thread.

Oslo is someone I hold in very high regard, and if he states there is an upgrade coming out this Spring, then as far as I am concerned, there is an upgrade coming out this Spring.

Will it have our TMC upgrade?????? Who knows.

Both myself and others have received communications from Mercedes-Benz UK stating this upgrade will be released in the 'late summer', so we just have to wait and see.

I have no further knowledge of this latest information, and ALL credit must go to 'Oslo'.


Hi John,

Great news. I checked out the nav in a CLS class yesterday and it didn't have the 3D view either - so software upgrade makes sense. Lets hope we can get the part number soon....
Picked up my E350 today :)

The dealer gave me a demo of COMAND, and actually pointed out - without prompting - the TMC button, gave the full story, and said it would require buying a new software disc when it does come "later in the year". So at least they have their story straight now...
Goldfish11 said:

I watched a Navtech (Navteq) propaganda feature 'advertising' and they demonstrated just how up to date their system was. Researchers out in the field with specially adapted cars that carry operators that plot in new roads, names etc. These are then programmed into the main database and updates are released each year!!!!!!!!

How easy it is to talk a good fight. How easy to say what goes into a product. The reality though is they have not got a clue what they are taliking about. The product is good enough to get to 'b' from 'a', but it needs a lot of input from the user.

I suppose we should be grateful it has the M6! :rolleyes:


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