I am very sorry that you have completely failed to undrstand what is happening.
You have now been told the version for the M-class and the C is 6.1!!!!! You are also told there will be no price differential.
The statement you have made about buying the DVD at three times the cost of a CD is baffling?? The 211 DVD COMAND navigation system takes a dedicated navigation DVD!! It is NOT capable of playing a CD. There has NEVER been a navigational CD for the DVD 211 COMAND. earlier upgrade DVDs have cost in excess of £340, so this latest update is much, much cheaper (I suppose you knew that)
Our conversations are going round and round and enough is enough.
I have politely tried my best to explain that:
We accept that ITIS hold the licence for the TMC signal.
There is only ONE version of this new DVD for the 211 and it contains numerous update information. One line of programming on this DVD actually allows us to receive the TMC signal.
You can waffle on for as long as you want about two versions and that is your right, but there is only ONE. It is on sale even in Norway where they still do not have TMC information. Again it is the SAME version as the one on sale throughout Europe.
PLEASE, please accept we have discussed this subject for a very long time, both soarbust and I have been in correspondence with Mercedes-Benz over this issue.
Finally..... I have always said that ITIS hold the licence!
Kind regards,

Freudian slip)
Just noted your comment about Navteq:
MB have had a license since January 2005 but are sitting on their fat a**e taking over a year to get a product out.. and furthermore wont let NavTeq produce their own brand disc to run in DVD Comand, so MB have complete control on Comand DVD systems
NAVTEQ do write Navigational DVDs but they are still model specific. Mercedes-Benz buy the mapping data and along with many other manufacturers then go onto to write their own disc (be they CD, or DVD) As previously stated I own the Pioneer system and the DVD for the Mercedes will not play in the Pioneer and likewise the Pioneer DVD will not play in the Mercedes. So are Pioneer as guilty as Mercedes-Benz?
Mercedes-Benz did indeed take a very long time to produce the DVD and it was a subject of one of my letters, but I would much prefer a delay rather than a recall which some members seem to take great delight in alleging.
I have also been in contact with NAVTEQ over their mapping data and found them to be most helpful, they listen and indeed act upon sensible information that is passed to them.
I would honestly welcome any factual comments you might have about the system as I do accept it is NOT perfect. There is a place for criticism and without it no one will ever move on to greater acheivement, but surely we must both accept that this criticism must be factual, and not what you 'think'