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To Burgundy, by BMW and Bristol

Sorry to hear of your Friend, Charles.

Incidentally your post has made me read this thread, which I hadn't seen before, it looks like a great trip.

This picture reminded me of the power outputs of horses.


The standard 1Hp is what a pit pony was supposed to average, a regular horse is about 2.5 Hp and a strapping shire horse, or working field horse (of which that looks a fine example) will give about 7Hp.
Sincerest condolences Charles, I too lost a friend to pancreatic cancer.... A relentless and unforgiving condition. :(
Dear Charles,
May your chum Richard now be driving along the tree lined highways and byways of Heaven in glorious sunshine until we also join him. God Bless and thank you.
Remember the good times and he will always be with you Charles.
Charles, please accept my sincere condolences. I lost my best friend a few years ago now, still think of him most days, as I'm sure you will and remember all the wonderful times you spent together. That photo is perfect.
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Sorry to read your news Charles. Very sad, but a good thing you got to make this trip together. Happy memories hopefully.

Best wishes,
Sincere condolences from me too, remember the good times...
Sincerest condolences Charles, I too lost a friend to pancreatic cancer.... A relentless and unforgiving condition. :(

Yes, once found it is too late. My aunt died on the operating table with it, by some hideous coincidence my brother-in-law's father was diagnosed as having it about a month after Richard, and he passed away 2 months ago. The chemo wrecks your immune system, so for the last 6 months Richard was confined to the house to prevent him picking up infections and because he was just too weak.

The immense sadness for my brother-in-law is his mother developed dementia during his father's illness, and she can't remember that her husband has died, so they have had to stop telling her as she gets tremendously upset each time, as though it was the first time of telling.

Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live - sometimes don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today.
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Very sorry to hear that Charles
Quite by chance I was looking at the Bristol Cars website, which has just been revised, and there in the news section is a pictorial report of a gathering of each type of Bristol car produced. Assembling at the Kensington High Street showroom I met up with Richard as a passenger in the 405 down to Frazer Nash in Surrey in 2011. By coincidence the first thumbnail has a good pic of the back of Richard, the car and me. Happy memories.

Link (click on the top left thumbnail to open it)
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49 in the photo John, 50 when he passed away. At least his daughters are through university.
Happier to report that 65 of us who knew Richard well, including his parents, wife Anna and children gathered together last night at 28-50 in Fetter Lane (Richard had set this up with Xavier Rousset of Texture as a casual restaurant with stunning mature wines) which we took over for the evening. Two guys laid on dinner and some wine, we all donated to the Pancreatic Cancer Research fund and brought more wine, and had a spectacular evening of which I am quite sure he would approve.

In total, including an auction of rare and substantial (several double magnums featured) wines, and a chauffeured trip in Richard's Bristol 405 to watch ****nal at home, £11,000 ish was raised for the charity.

Nursing a slight hangover this morning, a bright and sunny one at that, I took my Allard for a proper run through the Chilterns as it seemed the right thing to do. Brakes and taxi tyres which bounce off potholes need to be sorted, driving through a large puddle showed that the water comes straight over the windscreen and the wipers are laughably awful, but I am getting there on making it run sweetly. Richard would have approved, although he had a heater in his Bristol, and I have a big V8.

Thank you for sharing that with us, a very noble cause indeed and by remembering someone they always live on within us.
An epicureans delight,no doubt,and one which I seem to have enjoyed vicariously.Your friend will be proud. Good man.
Jolly good food, just simply cooked (rare bavette steak with triple cooked chips and bearnaise, served to everyone - perfect) and some scrummy Champagnes and Burgundies. Can I pass on my hangover so I can enjoy you having it vicariously too, Seven? :)

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