Hardcore MB Enthusiast
I feel that anyone that thinks Top Gear is an informative motoring program has not watched it for many, many years. Surely Top Gear is an entertainment program with motor cars as the theme? Does the audience attend to be educated, orNo, because the man wears a motoring hat and while giving entertainment he discredits motoring and motorists in general. he also picks on other members of the community and so if he gives it out, he has to be prepared to take it.
do they go to be entertained? Has there been a constructive, informative review of any modern vehicle? Clarkson regularly slags off Mercedes-Benz, but when he buys a car for his own use, it is usually that self same marque. No one can deny he takes the mickey out of Vauxhall, but more fool this manufacturer for giving the show the ammunition. Is he on the Ford pay role? He certainly done them no favours over his much publicised criticism of their Ford GT! Was the Vectra lambasted as much as the Ford?
I never moan about Fifth Gear simply because I never watch it. The giggling, girlish screaming of the female presenter annoys me as much perhaps as Clarkson annoys some members of this forum. My solution was to press a little button on my remote control, no more moaning, no frustration. I do accept that Top Gear is financed out of licence fees, but so what, so is tennis and golf, two televised activities that bore me to death.