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Traffic Cops!

Thanks V12!

Please don't stir this up! :p

Seem to have prompted a reaction from Dave that was NOT intended, in fact I was just posting the usual chit chat replies.

Not another MBC war please.
Originally posted by GrahamC230K

I am hoping that perhaps we will meet at a GTG soon (along with everyone else), not wishing us to fall out :confused:

I'll look forward to that Graham. Think about my offer as well, the over ridding thing that comes across on this forum is that the members are "interested" in their cars, and their driving, so was the guy yesterday, very much so in fact, but i've had 2 emails from him already stating what an eye opener it was.

Its free, Honest :bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana:
Guys can I just say that about 3 yrs a go I received a ticket saying that I was given as a driver given by a car rental company. Well I did indeed work for this company. They had me on film (speed camera) doing near 85 mph in a 50 mph roadworks on the M2. I phoned them up just wanting to check that indeed it was me. They fax me the image from camera which I couldn t see as print didn t come out. I phoned back and ask if I could see for myself as I was worried about getting a ticket when it may have been someone else. I went down to Farthings Corner services and spoke to the police officer about it. Now the picture didn t look anything like me. I ask him if now he had seen me, if it looked like me. He declined from answering as I suppose he couldn t comment. He said "I am retiring and today is my last day and you won t be hearing any more about it". It was that day my mind changed about policemen and I felt that you do have a voice and it was heard.

Here endth the lesson by Ian
Sorry to go on.

ps Oh by the way I noticed Frontal speed cameras on the A1 on a trip to Lincoln recently.
Originally posted by Dave Elcome
I'll look forward to that Graham. Think about my offer as well, the over ridding thing that comes across on this forum is that the members are "interested" in their cars, and their driving, so was the guy yesterday, very much so in fact, but i've had 2 emails from him already stating what an eye opener it was.

Its free, Honest :bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana:

So you havn't taken offence? Fe-ew! I am glad. I was shocked at your response as I was not having a go, just speaking my limited experience, which I did not want to preach about, it was a private and unfortunate incident. So I especially did not want you to take offence because that just simpley was not the intention.

Not entirley sure, I would take up your offer (may be too scarey for me :( ) but can you really do that?

How does that work, carting a member of the public about?
It seems to me that the overiding thing to come out of this - Is that people do actually care about what others on the board think :)

For example Dave looking to put his point across at the same time as Graham, and yet both not looking to antagonise the other!

This is what I call progress :D - well done all concerned!

We all have a common interest, and this is board becoming an ever more friendly and productive place to be!


Dave could always arrest you, or will he be off duty??;) :D

Wasnt trying to stir, just found it interestin that a police car would set a bad example, i always find they stick to just under 70, normally closer to 65, unless their blue lights are on...

theres always an exception to the rule! ;)
Originally posted by Mark300SL
It seems to me that the overiding thing to come out of this - Is that people do actually care about what others on the board think :)

For example Dave looking to put his point across at the same time as Graham, and yet both not looking to antagonise the other!

This is what I call progress :D - well done all concerned!

We all have a common interest, and this is board becoming an ever more friendly and productive place to be!


You are quite right Mark. As odd as it seems to those who have not experienced an online community (well online 95% GTG's 5%), I think people do car, I certainly do.

I apply the same rules to this board, as I do in person. I would not walk up to a stranger and swear or abuse them, so I wouldn't do so in a post. If someone takes offense unintentionally in person, I will try to rectify, so the same applies here too.

Having a squabble is one thing, but getting into one when you did not intend to is even worse (all those with wifes, I can tell are nodding now). :bannana:
Originally posted by Dave Elcome
Come down for the day, come out with us and experience some of the crap we are expected to put up with,

Wow is this a serious offer? I would be interested.

But can we have the blues and two's? can we please :cool: .
Yes it doable, we can talk about it at the mini gtg, i suggested next Sunday to Ian, maidstone are seems central, what do you think??

How about Mark and lust4life??
Sorry lads - next Sunday I'm fitting a clutch to a CRX, I need to earn money for all these turbo powered monsters, The following Sunday I'm at Santa Pod for a serious Rover GTG and the Sunday after has provisionally been set aside for a block build on my Rover - though I might be able to postpone this one!

I thought I might get a little bit of time to rearrange my hectic shedule before any dates were confirmed :(

I am in no doubt that the Police have a public image problem with regard to motoring law enforcement, some of it justified.

Driving is one area where people are generally unwilling to accept that they have done wrong - see the "well if I speed, you have to in order to catch me" arguement!

There are many mis-conceptions and urban-myths surrounding Traffic Law Enforcement and I would like to see some of them exposed.

For example-
Police Officers do NOT have to use Blue-lights & 2-tones to exceed the speed limit (a silent approach to a burglary in progress means the offenders might get caught in the act rather than being given a warning...).

Perhaps Dave & Mike could offer more...?
Originally posted by Dave Elcome

Just had another look at you ticket, in the use column it says SDP, that in my book is Social, Domestic, and Pleasure, which is the taxation class of you car, how can this relate to a pedal cycle??

I'd demand your money back if i were you.....LOL


I thought Social, Domestic & Pleasure was the INSURANCE cover, and that PLG (Private Light Goods) was the taxation class....

Originally posted by Flip

Driving is one area where people are generally unwilling to accept that they have done wrong - see the "well if I speed, you have to in order to catch me" arguement!

Everyone thinks they are a good driver don't they?

I think it's hard to be critical of yourself, as unless you cause havok everytime you get in the car, there is little to raise your awareness to your habits, unless it's something extreme and you are pulled up my the Police.

As for the "well if I speed, you have to in order to catch me" I think anyone who says that is only doing so in jest.

I so don't want to get dragged into any police hating culture, but as we are on a roll..................

do Police panda car drivers get told specifically NOT to use the indicators? Is it so nearby criminals don't know which way to hide??

To throw my two pennyworth in I've seen the good side of traffic police - when I was travelling at well over the speed limit (100+ ...! in a red Golf GTi!! :rolleyes: ) on a clear road (no one in sight) and in clear sunny conditions the chap that caught me was very polite, noticed the Trackrod sticker and we chatted about rallying (he navigated in a Skoda - no I didn't laugh) and he managed to write 96mph on the ticket £40 and 3 points.......

I thought that was a good way of showing that there is a human side to the guys who many people have a low opinion of.

I was also taught (and tested by) by a traffic officer on my IAM course - many good lessons were learnt during that one!

Correspondingly I heard of the panda car driver who was next to a good friend when he pulled up at some lights, motioning him to lower his wiondow for a 'word' - the policeman made a disparaging remark about the speed my friend was travelling at on the dual carriageway they were on - when my friend pointed out that the panda car had an inoperative brakelight and the fact that the panda was in front of him, the policeman muttered something unintelligible and drove off spinning the wheels.....

Dave - rather you than me - I wouldn't have the patience with some of the d£$%&eds that manage to get onto the roads these days!


:D So the Doughnut-Shop Car Park looked something like this today? :D
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Never actually seen a Merc police car.

What areas do they operate in and what engine is it?
I have seen a CLK coupe with full AMG body kit on the hard sholder of the M6 north of Preston, with the rear fog-lights flasshing.......no other markings, apart from the pop-up sign in the rear window....

CLK 55 AMG as a police car.... I want Dave's job!
Originally posted by paulrstaylor
I have seen a CLK coupe with full AMG body kit on the hard sholder of the M6 north of Preston, with the rear fog-lights flasshing.......no other markings, apart from the pop-up sign in the rear window....

CLK 55 AMG as a police car.... I want Dave's job!

That should be illegal itself! Way too nice a car for public duties!

Should not be allowed. Speeding to see if you can keep up with a CLK55, is like entrapment! LOL *JOKING*.
As I've mentioned before, there is a jet black Audi RS6 that operates on the M4.

I've also seen more mundane car models as umarked police cars, so these days you can never be sure.

Originally posted by GrahamC230K
Never actually seen a Merc police car.

What areas do they operate in and what engine is it?

On the motorways around glasgow , the police have treated themselves to .....

W202 230 k
w203 c320
w210 estate
ML 270 CDI

and a 530i tourings . These are all marked ones , so , god knows what they are using as unmarked ones:crazy:

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