My personal thoughts are that a fair chunk of the increased cost of V-power will be attributed to marketing and perceived position as a premium product in the market place, as opposed to whether or not it’s ‘worth’ 20p a litre when you look at it objectively. Have the magic ingredients changed so significantly in recent times to double the increase in cost? Seems unlikely to me, and also seems to coincide with the small tokens they offer again through the app as a marketing strategy to tempt people to use this very expensive fuel.
I’d argue that probably more people buy V-power for the octane rating and secondly for the additives package. I doubt many even know what the real benefits are - ‘reassuringly expensive’ sort of purchase?
When it’s all said and done, it’s petrol. I don’t see a huge number of threads on the forum or elsewhere relating to fuelling issues that would have been prevented from using V-power. The money saved using say Momentum 99 could probably be spent elsewhere on more likely maintenance issues.
Horses for courses but to me V-power is overpriced for what I feel the perceived benefit is. It’s a good fuel for sure, but not so good it warrants a 20p per litre premium, IMHO.
I still use it from time to time as a suitable fuel for my vehicle (98 RON or above), but I really don’t think it’s worth the premium - I’m happy to pay more for things that offer a real tangible benefit, I’m just not so sure you get what you pay for with Shell anymore.