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What irritates you about motorbikers?

For me it is breaking all speed limits, weaving through queued traffic at speed and LOUD EXHAUSTS through my otherwise quiet village.

Come on get it off your chest, or is it just me?

It's just you! :D
Your Dad, rides a fantastic bike, (does he use the MCR forum), I had two of these (the second after regretfully selling the first). Big torquey beast, I rode once to South of France and back, magnificent journey.

I dont think many regular motorcyclists in here are advocates of the trainers and T shirts style of clothing but like most want the freedom to do as they choose, or even simply object to being told what they must or must not wear by those who otherwise have no particular interest in this mode of transport. Your Dad (with the greatest respect to him), might even agree.


Haha, my dad struggles with his old Nokia phone, and he thinks computers are for geeks so I doubt he could be talked into a forum!

He's had the GSX since brand new, about 13 years now, although he constantly flirts with an Augusta. I keep telling him to treat himself but he's a Suzuki man and I think he'd feel disloyal!

I completely understand your point with regards liberty, and agree with the thinking behind it, but I just think it's a bizarre martyrdom to not wear gear because 'I don't want to'. And my dad does disagree with people riding 'free' and thinks that they're "****ing lunatics" and "gravel feels worse than being hot" but you're right to a degree he's of the mind that they should just be left to get on with it, as daft as they are.
I dont think many regular motorcyclists in here are advocates of the trainers and T shirts style of clothing but like most want the freedom to do as they choose, or even simply object to being told what they must or must not wear by those who otherwise have no particular interest in this mode of transport. Your Dad (with the greatest respect to him), might even agree.


Wait there a minute buddy, did you just say that "many regular motorcyclists in[sic] here are advocates of the trainers and T shirts style".

That is all that I have been trying to say this whole time, that has been my point! Yet you seem to actually agree with it in this post!

"must or must not wear"

Never said that.

"no particular interest in this mode of transport"

Hope you're talking about someone else with this point, as I've explained in multiple posts that I used to ride myself and am a fan of 'biker culture'.

He started it...............:doh:

No I didn't! I posted a reply to the thread titled "What irritates you about motorbikers?" with what irritates me about said motorbikers.
The carrot of controversy strikes again...!
Wait there a minute buddy, did you just say that "many regular motorcyclists in[sic] here are advocates of the trainers and T shirts style".

That is all that I have been trying to say this whole time, that has been my point! Yet you seem to actually agree with it in this post!

"must or must not wear"

Never said that.

"no particular interest in this mode of transport"

Hope you're talking about someone else with this point, as I've explained in multiple posts that I used to ride myself and am a fan of 'biker culture'.

No I didn't! I posted a reply to the thread titled "What irritates you about motorbikers?" with what irritates me about said motorbikers.

Now can I lower myself to the insults as you did me? No I wont, just read again (your first sentence) and add the word "dont". If your reading of grammar is similar to your reading of the road then I worry.

As for "biker culture".....how little you know my friend, but keep watching SOA, you will learn nothing from it but I guess it can be mildy entertaining..;)

Have great evening, but lets now let this rest....ok you can have the last word if you must.....:p

Sorry I just had to bite....but its the last chunk... honest:wallbash:

Maybe it was whole bag of the juicy little suckers :) hehe x
Dear me. This has all got a bit personal and self-righteous hasn't it?

FWIW, if been riding bikes (sometimes at injudicious speeds) for almost 40 years and driving cars for a couple of years less. In most of the last 20 years I've ridden at least 6k miles on two wheels in virtually every European country and driven 14k or so miles on four wheels. Am I an expert? No. There's always more to learn. Have I driven and/or ridden in most conditions - both weather and traffic - yes.

Does riding a bike make me a better car driver? Emphatically yes. Do I need people who have never ridden a bike to tell me how dangerous it is / how I should ride / what I should wear when I ride? No.

FWIW, I wear gloves, boots, and "proper" riding gear every time I ride. However, I seriously questioned the worth of the additional protection vs the increased likelihood of losing control through heat exhaustion when riding down the Adriatic coast in 40c+ temperatures in 2014. Road rash is far from funny (been there, done that), but when riding on public roads there's pretty much as much chance of hitting something solid if you drop it as there is of sliding down the road and wearing through good quality clothing. And if you hit something solid at any significant speed, it's largely irrelevant what you're wearing.

If you've never done it, my best advice is to stop pontificating about what those who have and/or do should do.
People who don't ride bikes need to appreciate bike riders.
Comment all you like, Yes there are d*cks that ride bikes, complete knobs.but no more than drive cars.

What you wear is down to personal choice, ride like a ****/drive with no seatbelt like one makes no difference.

A sensible rider wearing what others call inappropriate clothing doesn't matter If they are sensible.

People critises riders for not wearing leathers? Why? Because they are judging without knowing.

You don't judge a car driver on his attire. Yet the majority of motor cycle accidents are caused by oblivious car drivers.

I have no sympathy for the bike riding loons, but don't judge us all on the screaming banshees you hear and see.

There are more bad car drivers than bad motorcycle riders.
A few to many tonight!

A ride slow, I drive slow, it just annoys me that people judge by what I wear.

I ride and drive to the conditions. It's that simple, if I wear my protective clothing I ride faster, how does that equate to people's misconceptions?

What you wear means BS on a bike.
I heard an interview on LBC with a representative of the construction industry inviting cyclists to join lorry drivers as passengers so that they can get better understanding of what lorry drivers can and cannot see from the cabin.

He was accused of placing the blame on the victims....

He objected and said that regardless of blame, if we wanted to avoid deaths of our roads then both sides need to better understand the other, and that only working together can any progress be made.

He also said that as long as the various road users keep expecting everyone else to change their behaviour, nothing will really change....

He was talking about cyclists, not bikers, but the same logic applies.
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He was talking about cyclists, not bikers, but the same logic applies.

I was undertaken by a cyclist doing 30mph the other day , he was squeezing between a line of parked cars and the single line of slowish ( 25mph ) moving vehicles. If anyone was turning left, a pedestrian was trying to cross the road or if a door had been opened by one of the parked cars then the cyclist was in big bother and it would have been very messy. No doubt it would have been everyone elses fault apart from the loon on the pushbike.

A bit off topic but hey ho.

Yes, but put yourself in a rally car with roll cage and harness, full fire suit, helmet etc.... How do you drive? DiDifferent to if you were in your rRoad car. Now put yourself in a motorcycle riders position, full leathers, back protection, ggloves etc.... You would ride different to how you would if you wweren't protected.

Bike rriders arent stupid, just like car drivers aaren't. But car drivers judge bike rriders by what they wear?

Please ignore the double letters it'smy phone, i normally correct but ccan'tbe bbothered ttonigh..... See!
On the plus side, unlike cyclists, bikers don't habitually jump red lights, ride the wrong way down one way streets, or ride with no lights at night.

The issue with bikes is speed - a mistake made by a slow moving or even near stationary vehicle can still cause a bike to hit it at full speed.
I put myself in more danger on my mountain bike or bmx. On my mmotorcycle Iput my faith in ccar driver.

Bloody phone! I'm not that drunk!
Oh how I love watching internet forum arguments and people making fools of themselves :D:thumb:

Such entertaining reading:thumb:
Well a biker few years back was so much of a idiot that he kicked by car bumper (road rage) and then lost his balance since it was a really big bike and fell over.... Since this happen besides a undercover cop car he got nicked ontop and I put a claim against him. Wonder who had the last laugh.
Never really understood the bike vs car thing.

If I see a bike behind me I keep left and let him/ her pass as easily as possible.

They get on with their day and I get on with mine.

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