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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

wallingd said:
I want your office car-park! Ours is full of v*uxhalls!

Count your blessings - all we have for the 3,000 people working in this building is a bicycle rack!
wallingd said:
I want your office car-park! Ours is full of v*uxhalls!

There are often two of these in our car park! Sadly not mine or my colleagues. There is a futures trading company in the same building as us! I suspect they come from there!
When I was last in the UK, I was driving around Banstead behind a tow-truck that was carrying a porto-loo.

The registration? "A5 P00" :crazy:
V12 AMV on a Black Vanquish S in Park Lane, that V twelve souns wonderful.
M1KAL on an Aston Martin in the Sun car park, Chobham yesterday.
911 HRH Red Turbo on the back of a trailer on the M4, could be heading for Windsor. I though Charles was only allowed AM's.
11 CL on a Black CL in Tamworth but they did nit look like 1's serif cut off
On an aston DB9 Cabriolet in Edgware friday with a sports exhaust
D1NOB on Bedford Rascal van... sorry...

My name is Dino and my Surname begins with B...


Complete fluke I bought it. Right place, right time, spare cash. Plan was to get the plate, then get a 1971 Ferrari Dino 246. Mate then informed me you can't put a new plate on an old car. Hmmm. Put it on a cheap BMW? I'll get keyed. On the Ducati? Bike plates are in two lines so would be D1... NOB. Again, hmmm. Put it on the Rascal (street value £250)... done...

dinozoiks said:
My name is Dino and my Surname begins with B...


Complete fluke I bought it. Right place, right time, spare cash. Plan was to get the plate, then get a 1971 Ferrari Dino 246. Mate then informed me you can't put a new plate on an old car. Hmmm. Put it on a cheap BMW? I'll get keyed. On the Ducati? Bike plates are in two lines so would be D1... NOB. Again, hmmm. Put it on the Rascal (street value £250)... done...


Great plate!

I really don't know how you put up with the embarassment of driving around in something like that! (The Bedford and the Ducati are OK though...) :D
Nice plate, you'll still get nicked for the illegal spacing though (dog training friend of mine got done by local plod for K90 VER spaced as K9 0VER).
T3RUC on a Bruce's Pet Supplies van today in Wolverhampton.

"T3" had been doctored to read "B", and he had one of those England flag logos with an E in it over on the right hand side. Sort of read T3RUC E

Still legible but you could still see what it was meant to say.
Just seen C280 in Manchester............On a red BMW!!!!!!

Also saw HB 0S on a Bentley yesterday (why do all Bentley drivers look so smug BTW? LOL)

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Just saw FEL 1X on a CL55 AMG on the M3 going London bound (between J2 & J1), also saw S1 NHA on a W202 C Class, in Twickenham.

Think I've seen that C Class before...
Saw a load this morning between Chobham and Woking:

B16 KS tampered with (bolt head) to read "BIG KS" on a Range Rover.

KIM 31 on a very ordinary looking SEAT.

ALL 5 on an R230.

Plus a couple of others I can't remember ...
I always thought that COM 1C was on Jimmy Tarbucks Roller (well it was 35 years ago anyway !)

I was HPI ing a potential new car and I popped in COM 1C for fun ..... heres the info that came back

Vehicle Details for registration number COM1C MakeMERCEDESYear of manufacture2002ModelC200 KOMP.ELEGANCE AUTOEngine size(CC)1998If the details are incorrect click here to enter another registration.

couldn't have found its way to a better marque!

mind you, When HPI' ing some of my Cherished numbers the info was well out of date 1 showed as being on our old SL320 which has since been on our Audi for a year and now is on retention ... doesnt say much for HPI/DVLA records does it.

I'm glad to see that my old SB322 is now on a 2006 Aston Martin V8 Vantage... having resided on my previous DB7 for 18 months thats quite ironic.
A-AvantGarde said:
Just saw FEL 1X on a CL55 AMG on the M3 going London bound (between J2 & J1), also saw S1 NHA on a W202 C Class, in Twickenham.

Think I've seen that C Class before...

Think FEL 1X might belong to a pal of dads , whose name is ........

He owns all the 'Chequepoint' bureau de changes ..... lives near Gloucester Road ..
V12 BAD on a 65 W221 Brabas
steve_bcs said:
I always thought that COM 1C was on Jimmy Tarbucks Roller (well it was 35 years ago anyway !)

Vehicle Details for registration number COM1C MakeMERCEDESYear of manufacture2002ModelC200 KOMP.ELEGANCE AUTOEngine size(CC)1998

I suspect he doesn't work much these days so a C-Class may be a touch more affordable than a contemporary Roller. After all his golf club memberships can't be cheap!! :D

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