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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

steve_bcs said:
I always thought that COM 1C was on Jimmy Tarbucks Roller (well it was 35 years ago anyway !)

The other 'famous one' that sticks in my mind is "MAG 1C" that I believe belonged to Paul Daniels. I wonder what that's on these days, as I suspect he's a little hard up these days? If I remember right he sold a load of magic stuff on ebay when he was really struggling!!
M17RT T with a strategic bolt between the 1 and 7, to read MART T

Didn't look like MART T Pellow though!!?? Maybe he's had his hair cut!!
Magic is still on Paul Daniels car,cant remember if its a Bently or a Crusty Saw A 5 on a x5 BMW in Chelsea and
n3wxj which was placed as N3W XJ (reads as NEW XJ) on a new Jaguar XJ
V1NYL on an orange Murcielago in the Mailbox (Birmingham) car park. Five girls piled out of car next door and stood chatting with bags and buckles within millimetres of it!!
A plate that I seen here in Northern Ireland (about 15 - 20 years ago) on a Lotus Esprit Turbo was....................TIJ 1280.......squeezed together it read "TURBO".
Bi9 TOP on a chelsea tractor in Glastonbury today. The 1 had a screw head to make it look like a small i.


Reminds me - I saw B16 HED (Big Head) on an S-Class in Birmingham on Satirday.
E300C (E3 OOC) - White 300CE @14:40 Strand, Liverpool. Looked ok except for Chrome wheel arch protectors
Just saw SU51 FLY on a Silver X5 this evening on my way home through Camberley...
D8 ERA on my wifes car ...( for Debra )...Unfortunately she wants it off the car and put on retention. Although she always wanted a private plate it just stands out and people recognise your car, where you live, where you've been during the day etc.. ...so shes going to advertise it in the Times before christmas.
Just saw ' EF 11 ' on a brand spanking new black S class in Teddington at the Wharf restaurant .......
V9GUE on a Range Rove Vogue in Sutton Coldfield this evening.
Yesterday evening at Bluewater shopping centre

Aston Martin (baby one) reg no 15 NOV

Pretty cool as yesterday was indeed the 15th Nov
Saw this near Bradford today: YE51 CUD made up as YES I CUD on one of those Chrysler things 'wot Scumbag has.

Wonder what the story is behind that one?

15 NOV reminds me - Headteacher at my senior school got AM 60 for his 60th birthday. Only relevant for 365 days though!! :D

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