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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

Went out for a bike ride earlier (just when it started to rain), and on the way back home saw a RR with 99 VM then a SL 500 with 777 MYN, but just behind it was a new CL 500 in black hosting a standard 07 plate.

What a gorgeous car, it certainly makes a Bently look like yesterdays machine.

Just off to check the piggy-bank...
AFJ1 - black Cayenne Turbo on the A56. Seems to be lots of xxx1 type plates in Lancashire!!

Also just noticed that the plate I want (ST1) is on a C180 now. Was originally used in the Saint (Simon Templar) series so I dread to think how much it cost!

<schoolboy snigger> Finally, recalled a plate I used to see in Leeds on an old Jag a good few years ago: 69 OK YA </schoolboy snigger>
Also just noticed that the plate I want (ST1) is on a C180 now. Was originally used in the Saint (Simon Templar) series so I dread to think how much it cost!

ST 1

Is advertised on Newreg.com

Its only £173,935
Also just noticed that the plate I want (ST1) is on a C180 now. Was originally used in the Saint (Simon Templar) series so I dread to think how much it cost!

ST 1

Is advertised on Newreg.com

Its only £173,935

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

OK - can we have a whip round? Let's see: 10,204 members of MBclub means you would each have to only find £17.04 (I'll pay the transfer fees) Now come on, where is your charitable spirit!!! :D
I saw T4 TAX on a RAV4 or something similar.
M500 ESS on an ESS-Class in Tamworth yesterday, presumably an S500?

X 50 DB X on a w210 in Walsall this morning. Complete with a perflectly position black cap on the rear deck, with " X 50 DB X " printed on it!! :rolleyes:
Call me a tight wad but the beter half (Angie) is not getting -


quoted including taxes etc £337,911

no way, no how.......

A spy in a Merc ML Class

Saw this on a black ML today "MI6 SPY". Someone taking their Bond fantassy to far I think!:)
Call me a tight wad but the beter half (Angie) is not getting -


quoted including taxes etc £337,911

no way, no how.......

Now come on, you're (happy Graham? :)) allowed to treat yourself to a new scalex model, yet you begrudge your wife a simple number plate?

Like someone recently said, you could always buy her the next best thing.... A sun visor thingie ANG 1E :)

Take care
John the cheeky
Can I just ask a quick Q, if we are not to post our cars with visible number plates surely here we are giving out details of other peoples?!

It may be a different story with private plates as they are not strictly to the car, but just a thought that occured to me.....

(I was going to delete the pic of the AMG but can't seem to.)
Saw the following plates today, both on W220s:

M111RAL (Looking like MIIIRAL)

S1RRY (Looking like SIRRY) - couldn't afford proper spelling? :devil:
Saw H7 ERP on an ML 270 CDI earlier today

(not the nicest of plates IMO)
No I know what you mean Gina - thought about it myself. It is identifying vehicles, where they are + when, so maybe we should just keep the details as vague as we can. Maybe taking pics isn't the best of ideas overall to stop any potential moaners. 'Nanny-state' etc...
Hmm, tricky, I only posted it as a) it's a Merc! and b) someone suggested it earlier on in the thread and seemed quite a good idea to have "proof" if poss. But I would delete the pic if I could, seems to have been disabled (edit option that is)
Hmm, tricky, I only posted it as a) it's a Merc! and b) someone suggested it earlier on in the thread and seemed quite a good idea to have "proof" if poss. But I would delete the pic if I could, seems to have been disabled (edit option that is)

Deleted for you Gina.;)
M3 on what looked like a BMW M3 in Windsor this afternoon.

HM 21 on a W221 back here in London this evening. I was disappointed though - no royalty on board :D.

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