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Anyone seen any good number plates on cars lately?

T7 TSV (or was the last charactor R?) on a black Toyota boy racer thingy.

The 7 was changed to look a bit like an "I" and spaced T7TS V.

What a plonker.
DE51 RED on a Vauxhall (Holden) VXR8 tested by Top Gear...
Now that the redmobile has come out of hibernation, here are my two...


  • 2 number plates.jpg
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On my travels today:



Also saw 69 TA on a gold-coloured MB and T1MER (thus spaced) on an A Class.
I thought a lot of London Buses had "LT" on them standing for "London Transport", and a lot of them were retained and used on newer buses.
This is my plate - 4 WAS - my name is Wasim but i'm known as Was (pronounced Wass) for short.

1 SUL on a brand new S65 in Horsell high street yesterday. Sounded awesome!
III8 on a not-so-old Merc - in silver letters on black plate - classic or just a foreign plate? :confused:
I thought a lot of London Buses had "LT" on them standing for "London Transport", and a lot of them were retained and used on newer buses.

That's correct - there were a few combinations that were reserved for special use, including LT (and later xLT) for London Transport and PO (later GPO) for the Post Office. Nuffield dealer University Motors in Piccadilly even had an arrangement with the Ministry of Transport whereby they secured "MG" regisrations for the MGs they sold.

London Transport also used to match the numerals form the registration plate in the buses' fleet numbers, so you would quite find that a bus with, say, 69 on the number plate would have a fleet number of 69 (or maybe 169, 269 etc.).

Many of the pre-1963 plates were retained when the old Routemasters were decommissioned, and can sometimes be seen on newer buses. However, I think some may have been "acquired" by London Transport staff; I once saw 3 VLT (at least, I think it was "3") on a car parked outside St James's Park station while it was closed for engineering works, so it presumably belonged to a maintenance worker or supervisor.

Found the following on the web, by the way, so it seems London Transport had special permission to run a ringing operation (as if it wasn't enough that they were allowed to continue using white-on-black number plates into the 1980s :rolleyes:):
"London Transport, uniquely, had a dispensation from the Ministry that allowed them to swap bus identities. It is clear that a bus being out of service for overhaul whilst still taxed would represent a wasted cost. LT therefore adopted the practice of removing a bus’s identity when it went in for overhaul and allocated that identity to a newly overhauled bus, usually the same day."
Further info about this process here:
"The RTs were overhauled every 4 years at Aldenham Works and this involved totally stripping the bus down and separating the body from the chassis. As chassis and body moved down the overhaul "production" line at different rates, it was unusual for the same chassis to be reunited with the same body at the end of the overhaul. But London Transport in addition had a special arrangement with the licensing and taxation authorities. Rather than delicense buses for the duration of their overhauls, registrations and fleet numbers would be taken off buses entering the works and immediately given to overhauled buses leaving the works. Thus when RT overhauls first started, the registrations and fleet numbers disappeared into a "float" until the first overhauled RTs to leave took on the identities of those arriving. These fleet numbers remained out of use until the very last RTs emerged at the end of the RT overhaul programme."
This thread seems to be adopting some rather narcissistic tendencies. Not sure it was ever intended as an outlet for those who wanted to brag about their own number plates.

4was, welcome to the forum, but did you really join just so you could post some photos of your BMWs on what is, after all, a Mercedes-Benz forum? That's rather bad form in my book.
This thread seems to be adopting some rather narcissistic tendencies. Not sure it was ever intended as an outlet for those who wanted to brag about their own number plates.

4was, welcome to the forum, but did you really join just so you could post some photos of your BMWs on what is, after all, a Mercedes-Benz forum? That's rather bad form in my book.

I can see pictures of many other cars on this thread that aren't Mercedes, if its that much of an issue then why was no warning given to any other members? A bit rude if you ask me, but if you want me to leave i'll be more than happy.
36 MA on a green Bentley

55 LS on a gold/silver Mini

(probably OJ 13) on a black Vauxhall VRX8, which, in spite of the rear boy-racer wing spoiler, does look remarkably tame in black.
I can see pictures of many other cars on this thread that aren't Mercedes, if its that much of an issue then why was no warning given to any other members? A bit rude if you ask me, but if you want me to leave i'll be more than happy.

I wouldn't dream of suggesting you should leave. It's hardly my place to do so.

I also have no problem with having pictures of cars other than MBs on this thread. I've posted a few of BMWs myself; why, some of our members even own BMWs. But it would be nice to think that people were joining the forum to make some kind of contribution to it, rather than just to post photos of their own cars.
I did notice that.

Was, Wass, Wasim or whatever his name is has only made 4 posts and they are to show off his plate. Not really bothered what car he has but just wonder what his intentions are.
............. That's rather bad form in my book.

................. A bit rude if you ask me, but if you want me to leave i'll be more than happy.

Children.... Children! Play nicely! Now say sorry and shake hands! :thumb:

4was - welcome to the forum. Mocas is only jealous 'cos your car is faster........ :devil:

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