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Bloody traffic wardens ! *vent*


Active Member
Feb 12, 2005
Sports Coupe
Never really minded traffic wardens and always been extra paranoid about where I park but my latest run in with one in particular seems to be un-earthing some deepest regions of the soul and all I can think of now is climbing a tower with a sniper rifle and start picking them off so apologies for the vent ;)

Friday afternoon drove into London (forgot to pay the congestion charge so thats a fine I am willing to accept as it my fault but still bloody annoying you can't pay it past 12 as I remembered at 1am) and parked up, put a quid in the meter which bought me all of 25 mintues, went and picked up a sandwich came back to the car with 8 minutes left ate it and as I was about to drive off got a phone call so I do the right thing and not drive while on the phone.. while im talking on the phone sitting in the car a traffic warden walks past me looks me in the face and walks on past, next thing I know he slaps a ticket on my window !!!!!

Get out asking him what the hell he thinks he is doing and he jestures to the meter and says you are 4 minutes over !! Tell him I am sitting in the damn car talking on the phone and he goes thats my problem I should have known when my time is up. I mean all he had to do is tell me to move on or jesture to the meter or something but I imagine that would require some people skills or a bloody soul and the cheeky sod inflames the situation more by walking away while im talking (nope not shouting though extremly annoyed) to him about this.

Extreme self-control or I think I would have ended up in Jail for wrapping that ticket machine around his head ! Common sense took over and I got the digi-cam out took pictures of the meter and the warden himself which he did not seem to like made a note of his number and its going to be followed by a right bitching to his boss even though I doubt its going to acheive anything.

Grrrr... hate em all ! absolute hate ! Next time one steps out in front of the car without looking where he is going as happened last month I am stepping on the gas instead of the brakes.. only kidding.. or maybe not :devil:
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there is a distinct difference in the eyes of the law between parking and waiting what you were doing was the latter which they shouldn't be able to give you a ticket for.

I'd appeal against that one if I were you.

I'd say that you deserved the ticket myself. Using the space past the allowed time is clearly an offence no matter which way you look at it.

There is no slack with these guys - remember that and you'll never be disappointed.
Yet we are now told using a mobile phone whilst driving is an offence and that the suggested solution is to have a handsfree kit or to pull over and take the call when the car is stationery in a safe place.

I would classify com's actions as the latter and therefore obeying current road traffic laws. Any action which forces you to break the law is clearly dubious if not illegal, so I would be going along that route in my challenge.

I just don't know what would make someone wake up and say today I'm going to be :

A traffic warden / A football referee / A colonic irrigation technician / etc.

The difference between parking and waiting is that (as far as I am aware) parking involves you actually leaving the vehicle so it's no longer under your control. If you remain inside the car you are still in control of it even though it is stationary therefore you are waiting.

These may or may not be the correct definitions but I know they are seen as different in the eyes of the law hence the wording on many no parking/waiting signs.

Good luck

Com. I totally agree with your sentiment on your experience with that moron....please keep us updated on any reply to your complaint.
. . . comes back to what is the purpose / reason for the role of traffic warden - a question you might ask for a written answer to.

ie is it to control illegal, inconsiderate parking etc and that type of thing eg taking up spaces to the inconvenience of somone else etc etc etc and the inevitable fines actually pay for that control function . . .


is it an income producing activity ;)

com - I empathise totally - make your complaint . . .
The word discretion springs to mind and from reading your side of this issue the traffic warden must have been having a bad day.

Mozzer said:
I just don't know what would make someone wake up and say today I'm going to be :

A colonic irrigation technician / etc. S

I can think of a number of people who I would like to have a high pressure firemain and thrust it up the relevant orifice!! :D

Thanks for the comment guys, I called up and have got the information to appeal the ticket which they say is the first step in a complaint so have got the ball rolling on that. Will let you know what happens as I have the time and the patience to take this as far as it needs to go ;)
glojo said:
The word discretion springs to mind and from reading your side of this issue the traffic warden must have been having a bad day.

Every day would be a bad day if I worked as a traffic warden.
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in my experience of fighting parking tickets (we have equally over zealous target driven private wardens in Hastings) is, whatever you do don't pay the fine. Once you've handed the money over it is seen as an admission of guilt and we were told their is little chance of getting anything back as there is no facility to make refunds - we had to threaten to sue them in the county court to get one fine which was issued whilst I went to pay for a pay and display ticket refunded :eek:

What is the point of these traffic wardens? to make money like every other local council scam where they take what was a good idea and destroy it to line their own pockets

Andy I totally agree with you re parking and stopping. If you were in a traffic jam and you car was in a no parking area, the wardens wouldn't book you, having said that the bas***ds might :D
Geoff2 said:
Andy I totally agree with you re parking and stopping. If you were in a traffic jam and you car was in a no parking area, the wardens wouldn't book you, having said that the bas***ds might :D
On that channel 4 documentary a few months ago some traffic wardens put a ticket on the remains of a scooter that had just been involved in an RTA and the driver taken away in an ambulance. The police roasted them when they found out! Completely inhuman.
Whilst I agree that there are many demonstrated examples of rogue and inconsiderate wardens, I still think it's black and white. If you were taking up the space and not satisfying the clearly signed regulations - you must be in the wrong.

Whilst we would always like some flexibility, there is rarely any allowed by the enforcing authority. Surely it's common knowledge in this wonderful country that absolutely no one is going to give you a break.

Re: the comments about taking a call, and pulling over. I can't really get excited about it - there's no requirement for you to take the call at all. Voice mail, turning your phone off, handsfree kits and just plain old not answering are all acceptable ways of dealing with an incoming caller. Are we at a point in society now that you have to be available by phone 100% percent of your life?

I agree that the laws are a little stiff and don't allow much common sense, but I realise that in order to avoid penalties I have to abide by them - is it so much to ask?

By chance, is this an area that uses digital photography as proof of offence?

Shude - a friend of mine was driving through Earl's Court a few weeks ago when he had some type of stress related attack and pulled over. He asked a pedestrian to call an ambulance, and was taken to hospital. The ambo drivers installed a sign on the inside of his window (apparently standard practice) and the car was not ticketed or moved in almost 24 hours. Not bad for the area, I would say. I expected the worst when he told me.

In addition, I was down in Tottenham Court Road a few times on Saturday and happened to see a frenzy of clamping, towing, ticketing and lifting. Was very interesting watching the wardens co-ordinate their sting. They got quite a few cars in one location. As the meter controlled area was off street, they were not blocking traffic at all and were all clamped. The cars in precarious locations were lifted.

Even funnier watching the drivers return and blow their stack. ;-) Everything was clearly signposted!
Shude said:
On that channel 4 documentary a few months ago some traffic wardens put a ticket on the remains of a scooter that had just been involved in an RTA and the driver taken away in an ambulance. The police roasted them when they found out! Completely inhuman.

This to me is totally unacceptable and that warden is in the wrong job. I have visions of the warden still writing out the ticket before the ambulance even arrived!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

Have to agree with Scott. The fact that a vehicle is stopped in a controlled parking bay means just that - follow the signs and pay or whatever. However, based on the information read above, it does appear at first hand the Warden/Attendant operated harshly whereas a friendly acknowledgement would seemed to have been more appropriate.

Law is law, but how we work within the law is always subject to debate. I read and enjoy these types of thread with interest.

Certainly, I will open the debate to you all as to what area of work I am employed in, with Peterborough City Council ;)
good luck with your appeal. i got one yesterday. forgot to move my car from a pay & display to a resident's spot yesterday morning. came out the house around lunchtime. spotted car and prayed there wasn't a ticket on it, but nae luck.

ironically i got a reminder from the council yesterday that my permit is up for renewal. of course, if there were enough parking spaces for residents then i wouldn't have got the ticket in the first place...... grrrrrrr!

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