Hi all
I have a charging question - just to see whether anyone has encountered any similar problems.....or whether it is just me being daft.
I am waiting for my rolec being fitted at home, so thought I would take myself off to the local service station where there is an ecotricity point as I recieved my card yesterday.
When I got to the chargepoint, it had a message on there about replacing the charge plug and validating in order to end the session. I couldn't work out how to remove that message so I just plugged the car in. The message changed, there was a noise from the plug at the car end as it locked into place, the charge point asked me to wave my card in front of the card reader, and then it told me that it was communicating with the car. I stupidly then walked off under the presumption that all was ok. I didn't check inside the car to see whether it was telling me anything etc etc.
When I went back, the charge point told me that it was waiting for some kind of acknowledgment from the car (I can't remember the wording exactly). I jumped into the car to see whether it was waiting for me to press enter or something.....no messages inside the car.
No increase in charge in the car at all. Nothing had happened.
I tried to unplug and reconnect but the silly charge point was then back on with its "hang up the plug and validate to end charging", and I couldn't get it past this point.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong and the instruction book that came with the car is next to useless.
Could someone with experience advise whether there is something I'm not doing that I should.....and/or give me an idiots guide to what I should be doing to use these point?
Many thanks in advance