Today's top tip
Unable to release public charging cable.
Had a bit of a issue today pluged in at ecotricity point while I was in a meeting, returned to car only to find I was unable to release cable stuck fast (as if car still locked).
Lock and unlocked car, reset charging point no change. So after much struggling (and even resorting to the handbook) gave up and went and got another coffee
Returned to car still would not release so called ecotricity ah yes we have had that before sir with Mercedes but its the car not us you need to call Mercedes to do a emergency release (oh joy here we go)
Tried the breakdown button oh yes its a lex car so disconnected.
Called lex who put me through to the AA
Much head scratching by AA help desk, will get tech team to call you
Whist waiting for call back saw a AA man walk across carpark so ambushed said AA man who was very helpful but he had no joy either
Call back from AA sorry we do not know how to resolve we need to put you through to Mercedes
Transferred to Mercedes help desk hmmm need to speak to the tech team (sure I have been here before)
Chap comes back on phone we think we have a fix for you sir
Now for the technical bit
Lock car
Hold cable
Wiggle cable
Whist wiggling (cable not you) unlock car
And as if by magic cable releases as if there was never a issue (me thinks I am not the first as they knew exactly what to do.)
Friendly AA man had returned by this point and after inspection his verdict is lack of clearance between the locking pin and the hole on the generic plug and wiggling it created enough clearance for it to retract.
So there we go took an hour neumous phone calls, 3 call centres 2 tech teams and a AA man to suss out but if you get your plug stuck give it a wiggle.....