That's pretty bad.
As I bang on about endlessly, the only way for punters with no special kit to get a rough idea of battery capacity is to measure how much energy you put in to charge it. Working out how far we can go on a charge is pretty much meaningless without some idea of conditions and driving style etc.
From a known starting %age, with a known charge power (either set from the dash or the granny charger), time how long it takes to reach 100%. Work out how much energy went in. Multiply this number by 100/(100-starting %age).
e.g. My last charge session.
Started at 12% (as indicated on dash)
Charged at 3.8kW
Charged for 1 hr 30 minutes.
Battery capacity is therefore ROUGHLY!!!!!!
Charge energy = 3.8x1.5=5.7kWh
Total battery capacity = (100/88)x5.7 = 6.5kWh
This is very rough and ready as it includes lot of assumptions and omissions - but you get the idea.
Do the experiment, work it out and let us know.
Out of interest, how many miles has it done? The Battery Certificate covers it for 63000 miles/6 years.