Sorry for lack of promised pics, there will be some soon honest!
Mileage since last report : 872
Mpg since last report : 18.7
Total mileage : 4233 (@19.6 mpg)
Costs since last report : -
Chuntered down to Corfe Castle at the weekend, a round trip of about 120 miles, taking in a few rural villages and country roads.
Although i know the way i decided to completely trust the sat nav on the way there to see where it took me. To be honest it would have been harder to find a more circuitous route if i had tried REALLY hard. While taking me in the generally right direction we continually dived off A roads and through the most backwater locations. If i was in a hurry this would have been frustrating, but in all honesty it was BRILLIANT. Deserted country roads, switchbacks, hairpins and blastable straights devoid of traffic and speed traps. On one occasion i think i may have hit nearly 59.9mph. Ahem.
When i arrived at the (spectacular) ruins of Corfe I had covered about 70 miles in an hour and a half. At 15.2mpg...
On the return journey i took the direct route and ignored the sat nav. It took me half an hour less but i only had about 50% the fun.
So i suppose the lesson is to treat your sat nav with some scepticism, unless you are in the mood to find some new places.
As i mentioned on somebody else's C63 thread The Rattle seems to be easing. In the past 500 miles I have only experienced it once or twice, on a mixture of roads. Have put it down to teething pains and hopefully we will hear no more about it. I have also discovered my first tiny stone chip on the bonnet. Has pitted the paint and not gone through, and to be fair is hardly noticeable, but it's one of those things you know is there so annoys.
My other bete noire at the moment is bugs. The big bluff nose is a magnet for suicidal insects. I don't know if it is simply a case that you are going a bit faster than you think, or if MB mix fly pheromones in with the paint, but it feels like every time you twist the ignition key someone jumps out and throws a bucket of dead midges over the font of the car.
Pics soon