Hardcore MB Enthusiast
BenzComander said:John and BTB500 pics look great!!
Only said 200 as that would not break the bank this month, and I cant really justify spending great sums of money on another SLR (even if it is digital!) Been up that route before, and have a perfectly serviceable Canon Eos100 which I have been told is now worth didly
Just looking for a good, all round camera that is a little future proof, will take great pics of the kids, and is easy to use. The Sony is looking good at the mo, unless anybody else can suggest anything else to look at?
Cheers for everybodies feedback!
Totally understand and the picture of the coin speaks vollumes for the capibilities of the Sony.
Your Canon SLR has indeed been kicked in the proverbials by the latest technology, but don't forget the lens for that camera will fit the new digital stuff. I merely put the suggestion into the pot for debate and respect your very valid point. (plus I love looking at pictures)
If I bought an SL350, I don't suppose an extra £200 would buy me the SL55AMG? but I do understand what is trying to be said.
Nikon D SLR camera's retail in this country for £450 which my school boy maths would say it is £200 'ish above the allocated budget (Totally out of budget, but clearly NOT three times over budget. Before you ask Mifsuds of Brixham South Devon
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