One solution would be a large and fully operational fleet of helicopters to chase stolen cars but that isn't going to happen.!
The helicopter is an excellent aid but that is it.... It is an aid. Once the villain gets out of the car the helicopter cannot arrest the villains and contrary to these police programs these thieves\wanted people can and do evade the helicopter (been there and done it many times)
I object strongly to people that voice the remarks made by Raymont. What annoys me even more is when they start either waffling, or back tracking.
YES a thousand times yes, there will definitely be times when a pursuit is called off, there are even guidelines on what and what may not be pursued, but once the villain knows this, they will deliberately set this situation up.
In an earlier post I stated there should be a minimum mandatory custodial sentence for the riders/drivers of ANY vehicle that fails to stop. In my opinion this offence is not treated seriously enough and whilst we have the PC brigade that objects to police daring to stop any vehicle that fails to stop, then this game will not go away. The fear of imprisonment should be enough to get the wanted person to pull over, whereas at present this person is probably looking at community service
or if they are really bad then either probation or a suspended sentence.
I truely believe that we all have a responsibility to secure our cars to deter theft in the first place. However, so many people have the 'tourist on the underground' obliviousness towards crime!
I disagree,
We should be able to leave our cars unlocked and unattended without fear of it being stolen and to me it is NO excuse that the car was insecure
I am NOT encouraging people to leave their car unlocked, or even worse leaving the keys inside it.
A number of years ago I was car gazing on the fore court of a dealership that sold very expensive cars, Maserati, Ferrari, Aston Martin's etc etc. These were not new cars, but certainly not old vehicles. Anyway out of curiosity I tried the driver's of one of these vehicles.............. It was unlocked. I tried the next and like wise. All the cars were unlocked and this was 2am on a very busy trunk route.
The next day I saw the proprietor and mentioned how I liked his collection of cars but did he know they were all left unlocked at night?
Yes was the reply. If anyone wants to steal a radio, then I would much prefer they simply stole it as opposed to breaking windows or damaging door locks??? Not sure I agreed with them but to my knowledge they never had any cars stolen or even the radio's.