Let me take a look at the video and assess the risk placed on others
EDIT: I have, no other vehicles in sight and I can only go by what I see. So much for everyone else making assumptions about wheels flying off.
All that is visible is the two cars, the central Armco, and a little bit of road in front of and behind them.
No-one is making assumptions about 'wheels flying off'. We are simply trying to get you to comprehend that generally speaking, driving at that sort of speed on a dual carriageway with a national 70 mph speed limit is selfishly imposing a risk that most of the rest of us would not be happy with. If it were bone-dry, deserted and in daylight the risk would be less, but you cannot assume that from what you can see in the video, and from personal experience I (like others on here) can testify that it's not often deserted in daylight.
Yiou are entitled to your view, but you should accept that it is very much a minority view. That should tell you something..