Like everyone else, that was not a sight anyone wanted to see, but what stuck in my throat was the pathetic bleating by the commentators stating that this is why formula 1 drivers are paid the big bucks!!!!
Excuse me?? Are we suggesting that risk equals reward? I can think of quite a few motorsports where the risks are far, far far greater than in formula 1 and do racers really race for the financial reward?.
Yes the halo proved its worth and no one wants to see a driver using their head to prevent a collision but motor sport is dangerous, and if drivers were paid a commensurate regarding risk, then lets start paying TT riders a tenth of the wage of these rediculously highly paid racers.
NO.... I do not enjoy watching these types of accidents, nor do I enjoy the modern day drivers leaving the track with no consequence and not even losing a place in that race.
Quite a few racing drivers never make formula 1 purely because they do not have the backing to get into this top tier, I am sure there are drivers in lower forrmula that would grab at the chance to race in a formula 1 carfor a pittance of what these top drivers are paid.
If it were possible, I would put money on Verstappen grabbing the chance at driving the Mercedes for 50% of what Hamilton is paid and I would put money on the suggestion that by replacing Hamilton, Verstappen would also have been a multi formula 1 World champion. I am NOT saying what one of those two would be the better driver, but I am saying if it were possible, then I am guessing that Verstappen would jump at the chance of driving the Merc even for a drop of salary.
Racing is dangerous as is driving a car on a public highway and there are far more fatalities on our roads.
I fear that Grojean has a justified reputation for his 'aggressive' style of driving BUT it would be out of order to point the finger until we are aware of the full facts.
I am NOT going to criticise that official for running across the race track as all he saw was a ball of flame, he was rushing into danger in the hope that he might help and for those that say you need to get right close to the flames to put them out..... Might I suggest you start from a distance and push the fire away from you as opposed to rushing right at it. Thank goodness Grojean was concious, thank goodnerss he was not trapped and thank goodness that fire never got under his visor. I was so, so p[leased it had such a healthy ending but if he has got broken ribs... he will definitely not be laughing for a few weeks