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Garmin Map Pilot FYI.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2015
2020 C300DE AMG Line Premium Night Edition.
Just so you are aware, I have tonight received written confirmation from Garmin that they were specifically told by Daimler Chrysler to remove/restrict as much customisation (Specifically personal POI's) from the MB software as possible.

So we now have an utterly ridiculous situation where a premium brands £600 option is out performed by a £40 bit of tat from halfrauds.

But not only that, because this can't be completely removed or restricted as it is so basic a function, intrinsic to the operation of every sat nav available, we have software that 'half works' and frustrates.

Unacceptable IMO to be honest, but there we go.

Feel free to post this on any other forums, I read them all, and know it has been raised as an issue on most, but I'm only a member on here :-)
Unfortunately it's always the way. The bang up to date system in my Volvo is particularly crap, as it relies on TMC and consequently is quite happy to take you on particularly stupid routes. In London I no longer bother and get the TomTom app out on my phone.
it's unsurprising ..

MB wants you to spec COMAND instead

no doubt a bare bones Garmin means it costs MB less
CarPlay can't come quick enough mate.
I will still use the sat nav, we have customer POI databases we use at work.

I hope MB decide that the negativity this is generating towards an otherwise superb and well received car (C Class W205) not worth it and they allow more/full functionality.

If your going to partner one of the biggest and most reputable GPS providers in the world, don't bloody restrict it, you do the reps of both company's no good! :-/
The future is car play https://www.apple.com/uk/ios/carplay/. I have no doubt until then I will soon be going back to my windscreen mounted Garmin with its lifetime maps after my MB arrives.

Looks not far removed from the Sony XNV series double din units that were around a while back , there are plenty of others that now integrate with different smartphones .

I just use my iPhone for navigation docked in the cradle of my Bury carkit , it works well for me and maps stay up to date as they don't reside in the phone .
Dumped factory-fitted options in other cars in favour of a mobile phone app - CoPilot Premium does a great job for peanuts.

Not sure how any manufacturer is going to justify in car systems that charge for upgrades in the future, even when most are poor in the first place. The system in my Land Rover Discovery was frankly appalling on a number of fronts.
Unfortunate that the latest rumours are 2017 for us :-(

Interesting that one of the pictures Apple are using is a Mercedes touch pad controller.

There a guy on a U.S. forum who has installed an Apple TV box in his dash to get the AirPlay/Mirroring working in his W205. Think there's a vid on YouTube.
My 2012 C63 has full command and the Sat Nav is TMC based which is utter crap...... However I just handed back an ML I had for a few days and the sat nav in that is powered by Tom Tom Live. Cracking piece of kit compared to TMC that warns you of traffic jams once you are already stuck in them or try's to route you round traffic problems that don't even exist !!

So if map pilot is powered by garmin why are MB using 2 sat nav manufacturers and seemingly by the thread starters comments restricting it where's the Tom Tom has none of those restrictions ?
Quick update on this.
The speed camera alerts are now much better on the new V6 software. Not perfect, but better.
If you load a .csv file like the PGPSW one, with no icons and select manual entry, then at each option it gives you select your desired distance, you will get an alert for almost all cameras, and it will put its own red camera icon on the map as you approach, they ate not present permanently.
It still ignores some, but Garmins have always been funny with regard to this, and if it decides you don't need to know, for reasons only know to Garmin, it doesn't give an alert or icon.

If you run the (free) Garmin POILoader software in auto (Express) mode, it will work out alert distances for you based on your speed. But this configuration misses loads of cameras.

It's getting there, I would still like to see an icon at least on the map regardless, but it is now much improved and just about reliable enough to be usable.


Also, when I updated the SD card, the first time I put it in the car it asked if this was the car the card would be used in so it could lock the card to the car. I can only think this is an oversight, as at that point I could have said no, cloned the entire card and sold copies!
I took delivery of my brand new c class estate on Monday. According to the settings, my Garmin map pilot uses TomTom live traffic for its traffic updates. Is this new?
Must be mate, mine is TMC only and it's cack!
They might upgrade the software but they don't upgrade the maps. M1 Junction 10A for Luton Airport has been upgraded now with the removal of a roundabout for over a year yet while my portable Garmin has shown the changes for the last 6 months the MB Gamin has not.

Since owning my W205 my old Garmin Sat Nav has had 3 map updates while the MB version has had zero.

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