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Hormones make women safer drivers (I will never hear the end of this)


MB Enthusiast
Nov 24, 2003
S211 E320Cdi Avantgarde Estate & Toyota Land Cruiser
The female hormone oestrogen could give women the edge when it comes to tasks such as safe driving, say researchers.

Tests showed attention span and ability to learn rules were far better among women than men.

The Bradford University scientists told a hormone conference in London how tasks requiring mental flexibility favour women over men.

A woman's oestrogen levels may prime the part of the brain involved in such skills - the frontal lobe - they said.

They asked 43 men and women aged 18-35 to perform a battery of neuropsychological tests that assessed skills such as spatial recognition memory, rule learning, attention, planning and motor control.

The women were far better at being able to shift their attention from one stimulus to another, making it easier for them to perform everyday actions like driving and reading.

This might explain why girls find it easier than boys to concentrate at school and why women are more careful drivers, the researchers hypothesise.

Speaking at the Society for Endocrinology meeting, they said: "This study demonstrates that tasks requiring mental flexibility favour women over men, an area previously not considered to elicit strong sex differences.

"Driving could be an example of how this is applied to everyday life.

"Our study suggests that oestrogens may positively influence neuronal activity in the frontal lobes, the area of the brain stimulated by tasks of attention and rule learning, which could explain the female advantage when performing these tasks."


However, other researchers in the past have suggested that spatial skills such as map reading and parking may be difficult for some women because they had too little testosterone in the womb.

Dr Peter Marsh, author of Driving Passion: The Psychology of the Car, believes men and women have inherent differences which manifest themselves behind the wheel.

He says men like risk-taking, the thrill of the chase and sensation-seeking, while women are more cautious.

Women's accidents tend to be at roundabouts and T-junctions but at slower speeds than men, who are involved in more serious crashes because they can't brake quickly enough.

Dr Nick Neave, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Northumbria who has researched spatial awareness and gender differences, said: "The thing about driving is that it is not a single skill. There are many skills involved. There is a motor skill, there is rule learning, attention, spatial awareness and confidence as well.

"What we tend to find is that in certain aspects men are better - things like navigation, spatial awareness and confidence. But they have more accidents.

"For things like attention, there is evidence that females are better.

"There is a female advantage on certain frontal cortex tasks. We know that this brain area has oestrogen receptors so it is sensitive to this hormone.

"But we have to be cautious. The researchers have not looked at driving tests, so it is a bit of a leap for them to extrapolate.

"We would like to see more research on driving ability."
Satch said:
"What we tend to find is that in certain aspects men are better - things like navigation, spatial awareness and confidence. But they have more accidents.

"For things like attention, there is evidence that females are better.

"But we have to be cautious. The researchers have not looked at driving tests, so it is a bit of a leap for them to extrapolate.

"We would like to see more research on driving ability."

This is the True test, as "Spatial Awareness" is VERY IMPORTANT when DRIVING. :rolleyes:
Satch said:
The women were far better at being able to shift their attention from one stimulus to another, making it easier for them to perform everyday actions like driving and reading.
Hormones or not they should put their books or crosswords down and look at the road every now and then IMHO! :rolleyes: ;)
Satch said:
The female hormone oestrogen could give women the edge when it comes to tasks such as safe driving, say researchers.

Tests showed attention span and ability to learn rules were far better among women than men.

The Bradford University scientists told a hormone conference in London how tasks requiring mental flexibility favour women over men.

A woman's oestrogen levels may prime the part of the brain involved in such skills - the frontal lobe - they said.

They asked 43 men and women aged 18-35 to perform a battery of neuropsychological tests that assessed skills such as spatial recognition memory, rule learning, attention, planning and motor control.

The women were far better at being able to shift their attention from one stimulus to another, making it easier for them to perform everyday actions like driving and reading.

This might explain why girls find it easier than boys to concentrate at school and why women are more careful drivers, the researchers hypothesise.

Speaking at the Society for Endocrinology meeting, they said: "This study demonstrates that tasks requiring mental flexibility favour women over men, an area previously not considered to elicit strong sex differences.

"Driving could be an example of how this is applied to everyday life.

"Our study suggests that oestrogens may positively influence neuronal activity in the frontal lobes, the area of the brain stimulated by tasks of attention and rule learning, which could explain the female advantage when performing these tasks."


However, other researchers in the past have suggested that spatial skills such as map reading and parking may be difficult for some women because they had too little testosterone in the womb.

Dr Peter Marsh, author of Driving Passion: The Psychology of the Car, believes men and women have inherent differences which manifest themselves behind the wheel.

He says men like risk-taking, the thrill of the chase and sensation-seeking, while women are more cautious.

Women's accidents tend to be at roundabouts and T-junctions but at slower speeds than men, who are involved in more serious crashes because they can't brake quickly enough.

Dr Nick Neave, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Northumbria who has researched spatial awareness and gender differences, said: "The thing about driving is that it is not a single skill. There are many skills involved. There is a motor skill, there is rule learning, attention, spatial awareness and confidence as well.

"What we tend to find is that in certain aspects men are better - things like navigation, spatial awareness and confidence. But they have more accidents.

"For things like attention, there is evidence that females are better.

"There is a female advantage on certain frontal cortex tasks. We know that this brain area has oestrogen receptors so it is sensitive to this hormone.

"But we have to be cautious. The researchers have not looked at driving tests, so it is a bit of a leap for them to extrapolate.

"We would like to see more research on driving ability."

if they put their books or crosswords down the'll only be putting their lipstick on or doing their hair in the rear view mirror.
graeme73s said:
if they put their books or crosswords down the'll only be putting their lipstick on or doing their hair in the rear view mirror.

And the problem is?........................... Just coz we can multi-task :p

oh and just for the record I do not put my lippy on or do my hair in the rear view mirror.................. my sun visor has a much better mirror for those purposes :D :D
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Safe driving defined as "I got home in one piece" is more likely with women.

Safe driving defined as "I saw a car driving way too fast in the rear view mirror and pulled over to let him get by" is a skill more men have mastered.

I have seen some extremely safe female drivers causing headaches and chaos for other drivers. The culprit can be something as innocent as lowering your driving speed by 6MPH causing traffic to bunch when changing lanes.

A Japanese research student discovered that 2KM traffic jam on a freeway can be caused by one car driving at 75% the speed limit. If that is meant to be safer driving then explain the problems it causes.
miro said:
Women can multi-task by doing everything badly at the same time.

oooooooooh - that's fighting talk :devil:
pammy said:
oooooooooh - that's fighting talk :devil:

Like I really want a female engineer breast feeding, talking on the phone and ordering groceries just as the main foundations are being poured for the worlds tallest building.

My take on runners is that they are walkers who woke up late.

So my opinion of mult-tasking is that it consists of several well known tasks done many times many of which are totally pointless. Like putting on make-up.

Men - wake up, shower / shave, stuff something into mouth, put on clothes drive to work.

Women - re-invent the wheel, whilst applying needless amounts of facial discolouration and mutilating non-viable proteins called hair. Then drive 10Km/h too slow on the freeway because the conversation on the mobile phone is so riveting - Michele found a cyst under her armpit. Meanwhile 10KM of traffic backs up because the exit to the next appointment is there and 4 lanes of traffic came to hault to give way. Meanwhile having not eaten anything thanks to the new carbon-dioxide diet take exception to the trucker who is sexually harassing you through the sunroof whilst pretending to avert disaster and warn you with his air horn. He then jack-nifes his rig and a large black mushroom appears in the rear view mirror - must have been a bad driver. The meeting goes extremely well apart from the fact that the hunky man on the left seat across the table is gay and you have 32 SMS messages on your mobile by 10am.

now tell me .... how many of things that women do are actually necessary.
scumbag said:
thats better!!!


Are women necessary ?

In the late 70's there was a rally in Australia where the Prime Minister addressed the hippy crowd. One man in shorts and thongs (flip-flop) stood up and shouted

" what do you think of abortion laws "

To which he replied

" .... that in your case they should be made retrospective"

I think he won that argument.

Women were liberated not like a bomb but like a slow leak. They discovered driving at the peril of cooking and corporate finance to the detriment of large families. Telling women they aren't need is like giving them an excuse to vanish and leave us to our own devices. A fate worse than anarchy and perhaps the underlying plot itself .....

Satch said:
The female hormone oestrogen could give women the edge when it comes to tasks such as safe driving, say researchers.
How do you make a hormone?

Don't pay her ...
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miro said:
Women can multi-task by doing everything badly at the same time.
There is only one processor therefore it is just time-division multiplexing, not true multitasking really! :rolleyes:
Shude said:
There is only one processor therefore it is just time-division multiplexing, not true multitasking really! :rolleyes:

I think chromatically enhanced women count respiration and pulse as tasks.

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