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How do you not see a police bike on your tail


MB Enthusiast
Sep 3, 2007
Alfa 156 1.8TS
Was trundling along the Exter stretch of the M5 this afternoon, when I hear a siren, notice the car behind move from the third to second lane and see the police bike coming up, light on and sirens wailing.

Wasn't that much space to my left, but enough that I could put two wheels in the centre lane without worrying the guy I'd just passed. So the bike passes me and then sits on the tail (offside) of the 4*4 in front. Nothing happens. The 4*4 is still slowly gaining on its next overtake so could easily drop into the centre lane, but doesn't seem to have noticed the bike at all. Eventually the 4*4 notices the bike, and speeds up a bit to complete its next overtake a bit faster and drops into the centre lane.

Police biker gave the driver a hard stare as he passed and a wave (authoritive rather than offensive) of the left hand to indicate his displeasure.

Whole thing was over in less than a minute, but it seemed ages. What's the longest you've seen anyone fail to respond (in bad or good way) to lights and sirens.
I heard a story about a nob-ed in a Jag refusing to pull over to let an Ambulance through because he didn't want to risk curbing his wheels....
Oh this happens lots of times to me. I have people who refuse to pull over/are blind and will not pull over.

And then, what is the first thing they do when they do see you, when travelling at 80+ with an ambulance lit up with blue lights and horns on, just behind them? They hit the brakes:wallbash:
I teach my pupils to look in the main mirror every 5 to 8 seconds. So called 'experienced' drivers don't use their mirrors enough.
Of course, the 4x4 driver could have previously met up with a traffic officer who was - shall we say "overzealous" in his attitude, leaving the MOP a little less inclined to be helpful in aiding the Police biker .....

Alternatively, the 4x4 could have been driven by a Daily Mail reader who believed the story about a driver being nicked for speeding when he accellerated to complete an overtake quickly and allow an emergency services vehicle to pass.......

Each time the police treat a MOP with disdain, they risk losing the support of the public.

In particular, two Peelian principles spring to mind......
  1. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon the public approval of police actions.
  2. Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observation of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.
By the way - I am not "anti-Police", but I have observed events which could reasonably cause people to become so........
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I saw a car around Embankment a few days ago that wouldn't go through a red light even though he was blocking the path of 2 range rovers with lights and sirens going, they where both unmarked black cars at night but they where lit up with strobes and LEDs everywhere and they really where in a rush, the moron in the primera just kept pointing at the red light even though I was basically in the boot of his car with 2 RR trying to get through as well....

I've seen it on the motorway all to often though and it makes me angry. If I see an ambulance now coming up behind I speed up and keep myself 100-200 yards ahead of it and try to clear the traffic before it gets to it just by drawing peoples attention to their mirrors prior to the ambulance being 3 feet from the back of their bumper, I don't bother helping police cars out they can travel fast enough but I feel bad for the ambulance and fire engine drivers who have to really work hard to get their vehicles up to high speeds.
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If I see an ambulance now coming up behind I speed up and keep myself 100-200 yards ahead of it and try to clear the traffic before it gets to it just by drawing peoples attention to their mirrors prior to the ambulance being 3 feet from the back of their bumper, don't bother helping police cars out they can travel fast enough but I feel bad for the ambulance and fire engine drivers who have to really work hard to get their vehicles up to high speeds.[/QUOTE]

Yes. If I can help clear the path for an ambulance then I will do it. If that means giving a car in the outside lane who hasn't yet seen the ambulance a quick flash of full beam to get them to move before the ambulance has to brake, then I'll do it. Usually get a thank you from them when they exit the motorway.
Yes. If I can help clear the path for an ambulance then I will do it. If that means giving a car in the outside lane who hasn't yet seen the ambulance a quick flash of full beam to get them to move before the ambulance has to brake, then I'll do it.

Sorry, is this a wind up? Why on earth do you think an ambulance wants you as an escort? Unless you are a full marked up police car, and you are fully trained police driver with escort training, then get out of the damn way!

Usually get a thank you from them when they exit the motorway.

You are joking.....?
It's hardly an escort is it. I'm going faster than the ambulance making my own way through the traffic on the motorway.

Either your thoroughly misunderstanting what I'm saying (i.e not on a crowded packed 10mph motorway, I mean on a quite motorway with morons in the outside lane doing 65mph) or you've never driven on a motorway with the idiots who never use their mirrors. If you ever need an ambulance badly would you be happier if it arrived 4 minutes earlier or would it not really matter to you?

EDIT:- Also, I'm not "in the damn way" as I said previously I'm several hundred yards in front of the ambulance making my own way through the traffic and leaving a nice clear path for them to come through. It's the same in my eyes as as moving to side of the road in town whilst in stationary traffic leaving a path for them to drive through.
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It's hardly an escort is it. I'm going faster than the ambulance making my own way through the traffic on the motorway.

Either your thoroughly misunderstanting what I'm saying (i.e not on a crowded packed 10mph motorway, I mean on a quite motorway with morons in the outside lane doing 65mph) or you've never driven on a motorway with the idiots who never use their mirrors. If you ever need an ambulance badly would you be happier if it arrived 4 minutes earlier or would it not really matter to you?

Considering I drive an emergency ambulance under blue light conditions daily, I say with conviction that you are NOT helping, you are being a hindrance.

PLEASE don't do it again, just get out of the way (like everyone else should).
Considering I drive an emergency ambulance under blue light conditions daily, I say with conviction that you are NOT helping, you are being a hindrance.

PLEASE don't do it again, just get out of the way (like everyone else should).

I really don't understand how it doesn't help. I'm not in your way I'm a good distance ahead of you, plus I usually travel faster than an ambulance on the motorway anyway so if I slowed to let them past myself I'd be stuck behind you anyway. In future I'll just do what everyone else does, wait until you're 3 feet from my rear bumper, notice the ambulance, swerve dangerously towards the inside lane that's already packed with cars and cause general panic as I try to barge in all whilst braking making the journey take longer and longer...

It must be frustrating as hell having cars not see you and delay your important journey?
James if you came up behind me at speeds in excess ( I presume ) of the speed limit, flashing your lights at me, I would get very very annoyed. Would you move over if another driver came up behind you and did the same thing because he was now the escort? No.

If someone can't see nor react to emergency services lights etc why on earth would they react to an unmarked car?
Considering I drive an emergency ambulance under blue light conditions daily, I say with conviction that you are NOT helping, you are being a hindrance.

PLEASE don't do it again, just get out of the way (like everyone else should).

Why is making asleep at the wheel fast lane hogs look in their rear view mirrors, notice a car flashing them with a blue lighted ambulance at speed a couple of hundred yards behind & clearing the lane a hindrance?

Renault, I wouldn't get annoyed, I'd just move over & let them pass. It could be an unmarked cop car, an off duty cop, a frantic parent or relative trying to speed the trip for someone injured.

Would you hold up the 'escort' until the ambulance was on your tail, then move over? Or have I misunderstood you?
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Back last year when the M4 30-32 was dual lanes of cones, a BMW traffic car was trying to get through the already heavily congested carriageway. I saw it, moved over, but the car in front of me was completely obblivoius for a good 3 minutes, cringeworthy and excruciating to see.
I saw a car around Embankment a few days ago that wouldn't go through a red light even though he was blocking the path of 2 range rovers with lights and sirens going, they where both unmarked black cars at night but they where lit up with strobes and LEDs everywhere and they really where in a rush, the moron in the primera just kept pointing at the red light even though I was basically in the boot of his car with 2 RR trying to get through as well....

If he's caught on camera going through the red he gets a fine and points, blues and twos forcing him to or not. Chances are he knew this.

Blame the enforcement of the laws, not the people who have to obey them.

Unmarked black RRs = Diplomatic Protection Group, more than likely. Sheik Bin Whatever late for his Heathrow timeslot maybe?
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If he's caught on camera going through the red he gets a fine and points, blues and twos forcing him to or not. Chances are he knew this.
Absolutely true, but not many people realise this is the case until they get 3 points and a fine for trying not to obstruct the emergency services.

Were I sat at the red light then unless a Police Officer, in uniform, gave me a specific instruction to move across the stop line they will wait until the lights go green. The use of discretion and pragmatic enforcement of Traffic Laws disappears out the window when cameras are involved.
If he's caught on camera going through the red he gets a fine and points, blues and twos forcing him to or not.

Seen this reported many times in the press, explaining that you moved to allow the emergency services through only falls on deaf ears. If you are caught on the camera, you are fined, end of story, no excuses.

the use of discretion and pragmatic enforcement of traffic laws disappears out the window when cameras are involved.


Of course, you should really weigh up 3pts + a fine vs some poor bugger in the back having a heart attack - if it were an ambulance I'd definitely pull through (or at least try to move without pulling over the line); unmarked black RRs? You can wait with the rest of us..

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