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How far can safety camera vans see

I have travelled in excess of the posted speed limit, in a private car, under circumstances that I am absolutely confident would result in no fine or points if I were to go to court (I have to admit, I have never had to test that confidence...!)

If I tripped a camera under these conditions, I would elect to go to court.

(I would also hope that I had seen the camera and had the confidence of my conviction to continue to drive in the manner that I felt justified at the time).

If you lose at court is it true you'd get a greater punishment (plus legal + court costs). TBH I'd probably take the punishment on the chin as whilst it was a momentary lapse in concentration (i.e. the camera van location) I was fully aware of the speed I was going at.

If you have been caught at the speed you mention then you won't be able to take the option of a fixed penalty and will get to have your say in court.

I actually hope you haven't been caught but if you have then you may be in trouble.
If you have been caught at the speed you mention then you won't be able to take the option of a fixed penalty and will get to have your say in court.

I actually hope you haven't been caught but if you have then you may be in trouble.

If it make you sweat enough to carry your elcetric brain with you and concentrate a little more, no bad thing.

If you are so enlightened as to consider a defensive driving course, good move!

You don't drive fast but you have a road angel and have maybe been caught at over 20 over the limit, maybe even 30 over. That doesn't add up to a minor slip over the limit..

No wonder you are so vehemently opposed to speed cameras and penalties.:rolleyes:

Of course if one doesn't stick their head above the parapet, no-one can shoot at it...;) :D

I use the RA primarily because its a more accurate speedo as its GPS based and I find the accident blackspot info helpful.

It was a one off, and I've been man enough to come forward an admit a mistake I made in public. I could have easily kept this quiet and posted what I posted (under the false pretence than I have never broken the law on the road) but I'd have felt wrong for lying about it when I actively post against the cameras.

Until now, I have never even run the risk of being cought for speeding as I am usually very sedate - hence my sedate choice of car. Even the very best of us have never not sped.

There is so much more to be upset about cameras and road surveillence IMHO than just being caught out for the odd sneaky foray into high speed.

1) there is the principle of the matter, why should I be watched and my movements stored like some child molestor out of prison
2) Road safety vans that monitor speed are not their primarily to make money, but to catch the "strayers" a little bit over to yield easy money. I am sorry but there are more serious crimes out there and if it wasn't for the revenue the roads would be much less watched. Its pendatic knit picking.

In a modern comfy car 90odd + some feels more or less the same as 70. Road noise isn't really increased, engine noise isn't. It didn't feel like a high speed until I saw the numbers (and the van) and thought (oh cr4p)
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I am sorry but there are more serious crimes out there

Which strangely enough carry harsher penalties..a traffic offence doesn't get you a criminal record, shoplifting (for example) does.
If it make you sweat enough to carry your elcetric brain with you and concentrate a little more, no bad thing.

If you are so enlightened as to consider a defensive driving course, good move!


I am doing IAM, but admit that on this occasion I drove like a prat. However I don't want to be cought and the sweat will make me rethink my ways.

Which strangely enough carry harsher penalties..a traffic offence doesn't get you a criminal record, shoplifting (for example) does.

All true, but its funny how motoring offences are dealt with by the exchange of money rather than say just a ban or community service or just points that when accumulate lead to a ban. Money swaps hands as well, why. How come driving is one of the most regulated activities we do? Why are there so many cameras and device to catch (idiots like me) out there. To raise money.
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All true, but its funny how motoring offences are dealt with by the exchange of money rather than say just a ban or community service or just points that when accumulate lead to a ban. Money swaps hands as well, why. How come driving is one of the most regulated activities we do? Why are there so many cameras and device to catch (idiots like me) out there. To raise money.

and you never get the numerous warnings the shoplifter gets before parting with cash and getting points
All true, but its funny how motoring offences are dealt with by the exchange of money rather than say just a ban or community service or just points that when accumulate lead to a ban. Money swaps hands as well, why.

To focus peoples minds.

Are you saying you would prefer a ban to 3 points and a £60 fine.?
I think if speeding were to ordinarily attract community orders for punishment rather than a fine, there would be considerably more courts dotted around the land, as they would be inundated with the sheer number of offenders! Far easier to issue a fine for those who keep the right pedal lower than it should be.

Raises money? Yes, yes it does. Plenty of folk keep that income coming in I guess
and you never get the numerous warnings the shoplifter gets before parting with cash and getting points

Exactly, I should resort to stealing plasma TV's and selling them to pay for my speeding tickets. The first crime would a) never be followed up with b) in the highly unlikely event that it did I could say I was bullied at school and screwed up and I'd probaby get off with it at court.
I think if speeding were to ordinarily attract community orders for punishment rather than a fine, there would be considerably more courts dotted around the land, as they would be inundated with the sheer number of offenders! Far easier to issue a fine for those who keep the right pedal lower than it should be.

Raises money? Yes, yes it does. Plenty of folk keep that income coming in I guess

You've missed my point. If there was no fine or money switching hands they'd be less motive for these offences to be detected. Ergo there would be no more courts dotted around the land as road traffic laws would be enforced much less actively. There would be the odd copper but none of those vans, camera's APRN etc. Can you name any other activity thats regulated and watched as much as driving? You need to ask the question why?
the best driver in the world will take a whole heap longer to stop from 100mph

A good point.
Isn't it that if a car is travelling at 100mph and another at 70mph and they both perform an emergency stop the one at 100 mph will still be doing 70mph when the other one stops due to the delay in reacting.
I think if speeding were to ordinarily attract community orders for punishment rather than a fine, there would be considerably more courts dotted around the land, as they would be inundated with the sheer number of offenders! Far easier to issue a fine for those who keep the right pedal lower than it should be.

Raises money? Yes, yes it does. Plenty of folk keep that income coming in I guess

not community orders. just points or anything else but no cash exchange.
the cash means it is not a credible way of enforcing it.

No difference to african police when they ask you for money when you commit an offence. It is called bribery over there.
here it is official but i do not see the difference
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You've missed my point. If there was no fine or money switching hands they'd be less motive for these offences to be detected. Ergo there would be no more courts dotted around the land as road traffic laws would be enforced much less actively. There would be the odd copper but none of those vans, camera's APRN etc. Can you name any other activity thats regulated and watched as much as driving? You need to ask the question why?

Of course it would be much fairer if the money from fines only went into paying for the cost of detection, enforcement and administration of the offenders who commit the offences, but if there was no money, then I'd be paying more in tax to pay for the folks who commit the offences!!!

ANPR is about taking CRIMINALS off the roads (and does it very well too) - if it picks up the odd tax dodger, uninsured driver and disqualified driver too, then thats good news.

Don't mix a pre-position against speed enforcement for being anti-ANPR - if you get to see it in action it is quite something.

Of course it would be much fairer if the money from fines only went into paying for the cost of detection, enforcement and administration of the offenders who commit the offences, but if there was no money, then I'd be paying more in tax to pay for the folks who commit the offences!!!

ANPR is about taking CRIMINALS off the roads (and does it very well too) - if it picks up the odd tax dodger, uninsured driver and disqualified driver too, then thats good news.

Don't mix a pre-position against speed enforcement for being anti-ANPR - if you get to see it in action it is quite something.


Totally agree but if they are so ready to take uninsured cars/ untaxed cars off the streets, why are they so keen to leave shoplifters, burglars and paedos on it, by releasing them early and warning them umptenth times.
we all still pay eventually for these other undesirables to be left out on the street too in taxes
Totally agree but if they are so ready to take uninsured cars/ untaxed cars off the streets, why are they so keen to leave shoplifters, burglars and paedos on it, by releasing them early and warning them umptenth times.
we all still pay eventually for these other undesirables to be left out on the street too in taxes

You've got to stop believing all you read in the Daily Mail....:D
They can always use discretion.

Why wouldn't 100mph on an empty motorway be safe assuming the driver and vehicle are upto the task?


A few years back I got pulled in my then BMW, I was doing nearly 90 on an empty(ish) motorway, and the policemans words were "you're driving a fast capable car, please try not to use it." He then promptly sent me on my way.
And to be honest I still remember his words and it did me more good than an "I hate the Police." ticket - and of course the obligatory donation to Gordon B's trust fund.

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