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How far can safety camera vans see

Can anyone name a legal activity which kills around 3000 people and seriously injures many many more each year?

ANPR is just a revenue rasing exercise, nothing more, nothing less, as are the speed cameras.

It's about time as a nation we woke up to this.
How come all the ones on the telly just seem to be poor people with no insurance or tax?

Won't the criminals be bright enough to use a car with tax mot and insruance so as to avoid the government cameras?

Because they are on the telly (and if they have no insurance, they are criminals).

Because it acts as some for of deterent - or at very least it makes the roads safer for the rest of us who do have licences, tax, mots and insurance.

And because the methods used to catch burglars, drug dealers etc aren't going to get aired on the TV....:rolleyes:
and what does taking money achieve apart from making people believe that it is all about cash? certainly does not stop people speeding as that is still going on.

But you didn't answer my question.

I am happy with the cash cow. But what would the alternative that you desire actually achieve?
Because they are on the telly (and if they have no insurance, they are criminals).

Because it acts as some for of deterent - or at very least it makes the roads safer for the rest of us who do have licences, tax, mots and insurance.

And because the methods used to catch burglars, drug dealers etc aren't going to get aired on the TV....:rolleyes:

Trouble is though, when you just pick on poor people and then slap them with a big fine and six points, they'll only go out and get another banger to go to work in, and then the cycle continues, the real criminals are free to go about their business, and people with no insurance or tax become the criminals and we all pretend that crime is being prenevted...

It's all a bit pointless, is it not?

Still it makes the police look like they're doing something about crime I suppose...

Hows that then?

Because realistically focussing on one area of crime and only because it's easy, does not really help us as a society.

While I can see that picking on someone who's doing 40 in a 30 zone, and calling it a solved crime because a camera has got them helps the targets and statistics, it does not help the people blighted by real crime, the sort of crime the police seem to have a disinterest in doing anything about.
Can anyone name a legal activity which kills around 3000 people and seriously injures many many more each year?


Can anyone name a legal activity which kills around 3000 people and seriously injures many many more each year?

DIY as it happens.

I like the way this thread has now got onto police bashing again. The OP wanted to know if he was too far away to get done or not! Has anyone got an answer that might be based on fact, or know someone who can find the answer, or do we get back to this "The Police are doing this to make money and everything is their fault" theme again?
Because realistically focussing on one area of crime and only because it's easy, does not really help us as a society.

While I can see that picking on someone who's doing 40 in a 30 zone, and calling it a solved crime because a camera has got them helps the targets and statistics, it does not help the people blighted by real crime, the sort of crime the police seem to have a disinterest in doing anything about.

I can see where you are confused.

ANPR is not about speed enforcement, its about catching people who commit criminal offences (rather than summary offences).

If you have an issue with taking cars off the roads that are uninsured, untaxed or driven by people without licences, its just not a point of view I subscribe to.

Still not clear where you think the nation has to wake up to ANPR as being a revenue raiser though?

Speeding is not a "detected crime" quoted anywhere so far as I know?

The only people I know of who have a real problem with ANPR are those who suffer as a direct result of it - and they, pretty universally, are criminals...

I don't know and I'm sure the others are interested, so please tell us.

A recent soham case comes to mind, or the recent spate of monitored sad baby killings

You seem to think its all about money. Maybe your African experience leads you with that conclusion?

it is and you cannot prove otherwise either and it is not just driving, the whole justice system is geared towards making as much money as it can that is why most verdicts are just about checking the ability to pay fines and trying to keep people from jail as it costs more to keep them there

, the enforcement method isn't fair or that "they" should be out catching murderers... :rolleyes:[/quote]

I never said the enforcement was not fair, i said it does not stretch to all aspects of crime, only those who drive cars or those that can pay.

I ask you if a criminal rips of his tags and sticks two fingers at the justice system, what will happen to him? will they be on him like a flash as fast as the motorist, or will it take months and a mountain of paper work to get him back to court?

But you didn't answer my question.

I am happy with the cash cow. But what would the alternative that you desire actually achieve?

I have answered it several times. there is no need to take money from people as it does not stop speeding. Give the points and the ban, but why the cash?
You might as well give a fine for rape, murder, robbery, arson , firearm offences and everything else and then we would have a country with a very rich treasury.
BTW as for ANPR it can never stop a taxed mot'd and insured driver from commiting a robbery .
As for seizing uninsured cars. Can the council not get a piece of land and store them there under lock and key till the owner can collect them? Very convenient to hide under the banner of storage companies £104 plus whatever a day in storage. How did they get those figures.
It costs more than parking in my city centre all day.
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DIY as it happens.

I like the way this thread has now got onto police bashing again. The OP wanted to know if he was too far away to get done or not! Has anyone got an answer that might be based on fact, or know someone who can find the answer, or do we get back to this "The Police are doing this to make money and everything is their fault" theme again?

who exactly is bashing the police? hope i am not included in that. i have clearly desisted from bashing anyone

Does this info help?

Mobile & Handheld Devices
Police Constabularies across the country use a variety of mobile and hand devices to catch speeding motorists. These systems include; Mini-Gatso, TSS system (see above) and Teletraffic (laser guns). Mini-Gatso, the technology used in a Mini-Gatso unit is very similar to that used within a fixed position Gatso speed camera, using radar type 24 (see above). Teletraffic, police camera teams use this as a vehicle based system which can be set up to detect speeding traffic from a distance of 1000 metres using laser technology. The device is aimed on a vehicle number plate and which is then recorded on video film with the associated speed. This system is generally best for tackling lengths of road, and may be used outside of signed locations.

TAKEN from......................


Think at the end of the day you know you were in the wrong and will just have to wait and see. It depends what the officers were looking at themselfs, how they had the unit set up.

Guess its just 2 weeks of waiting.

That is what it is supposed to be. but it is not like that really on the ground. how many offenders still work in school and molest people today?
if you do not pay your speed fine, you can be rest assured of several knocks on your door and be chased for life till you pay it.
if you do not register as a sex offender, or move house and do not tell anyone, how many times do they chase around looking for you, and how many slip the net to commit more heinous acts over and over? How many strip off their tags and laugh at the aauthorities?

but this is different to what *** is arguing, he has reasoned more than once that car drivers are more regulated and controlled than child molesters. he has not broadened the detail of his argument to illustrate it he just repeats it. Upthread i layed out exactly what a sex offender would be subjected to. whatever the reality of life after prison as a sex offender it is not less regulated or controlled than for the average motorist. if you believe motorists have it worse then i strongly disagree with you.
moreover I for one find the argument unnecessary and unwanted. if *** just said 'motorists are treated like the worst sort of criminals' i would still disagree but not complain about his argument.

I do not mind the roads being regulated with an iron fist, but so should every other aspect of crime, and if we are to prioritise due to shortage of men and equipment, then roads should take a back burner. either way, every type of crime should be treated equally with the same vigour. Those that bring in cash and those that do not.

and this is a point of view that i can respect and debate with and i am particularly grateful that it does not incude the child molester line.

Really? :rolleyes: much a case of the thread has turned into the authorities can do no wrong, we must follow like slaves and obey.
The OP has committed an offence, he has admitted he broke the law.
I agree he broke the law and should be enforced and punished to the fullest but i feel it should be stretched to all other forms of law breaking.
What is wrong with that? and where is the bashing in that?
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who exactly is bashing the police? hope i am not included in that. i have clearly desisted from bashing anyone

I don't recall making an accusation against anyone. The thread does not reflect the OP's question and has morphed once again into a thread about how life is so unfair.

I think its technically called "Topic Drift". Nobody is at fault. But we are heading back to a thread rage about who is right and wrong and all manner of nonsense, not a bit of which is actually useful to the original post.

I get a shed load of stick about taking the odd useless thread off topic to get it stopped, or just for a bit of light hearted banter.

I felt here was a good way of highlighing that the scumbag bashers who are in the main "holier than thou" might want to have some of their own medicine.

What goes around, comes around.

Everybody can read into this what they want. If it causes offence or if it wakes people up, I don't care. But lets get back on topic, or stop posting.
Ok fine by me.
How far can the camera see? i think they will need to focus it on you first if they feel you are speeding. At that distance i do not think you will be in the safety partnerships vision but all we can do is speculate.
I feel you may have to wait for 14 days to take its course
I buy a new car, tax and insure and go and rob a bank

The "how" is the bit they don't show on the TV. And thats why they get caught (in their new car, which gets seized too :D ).

It works very well. Its not perfect, but it is very good.


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