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How much do you spend on gas each day?

Our last months bill with Octopus was £190 for gas and £130 for elec. Three bed house on the south coast, guessing that most of the gas was used in the cold week as it is still quite mild here, used a few logs though..


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Well for us it is not the cost of gas but the electric,Out Fox the Market have just put up the cheap tarriff on electric that is used between 11pm and 7 am and we were using the big electric useage early morning like washing machine and dishwasher and sometimes ironing,we get away with £170 a month we should get through the winter using the surplus in the account.
Just got our electric figures for the last 2 months. We are all electric.
Electric only – heating switched on at beginning of December


722kWh day = £278.64

337kWh night =£76.97

Standing charge = £12.48

Total £368.09

Energy support scheme -£66.00

Income from solar -£59.28

Total for December £242.81


436kWh day = £168.26

171kWh night =£39.05

Standing charge = £11.32

Total £218.63

Energy support scheme -£66.00

Income from solar -£90.00 approx

Total for November £62.63 approx
I was feeling quite smug about our energy costs until I noticed the smart meter was showing over double the cost from midnight until 9am this morning. The meter showed £3 60 compared to around £1 65 for this period. That is the 1st Jan price increase from eON coming in.
Luckily it's mild and no need for CH to be on so that is a saving.
This time last year £80 a month covered my gas and electric heating lighting and cooking bill. Now its looking more like £150+ a month.:doh:
I suppose I should count myself fortunate considering some of the crazy bills some people have posted.
Here’s a laugh, my power company sent a flyer with “handy tips on how to reduce power bills”.
If I install solar, I could save £450 a year, insulate the attic another 100mm to save £30 a year, upgrade windows & doors to save £235 a year etc etc.
Oh yes, I’ll spend £7k on solar, £400 on insulation and around £10k on windows & doors all to save £700 a year. It’ll be 24+ years before the savings pay for the outlay!

I’ve a better idea, I’ll send the power company a flyer that reads;
“How to charge less for gas & electricity”
step 1, stop being greedy b**tards,
step 2, see step 1.

Problem solved without anyone having to buy anything 🤷‍♂️
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Here’s a laugh, my power company sent a flyer with “handy tips on how to reduce power bills”.
If I install solar, I could save £450 a year, insulate the attic another 100mm to save £30 a year, upgrade windows & doors to save £235 a year etc etc.
Oh yes, I’ll spend £7k on solar, £400 on insulation and around £10k on windows & doors all to save £700 a year. It’ll be 24+ years before the savings pay for the outlay!

I’ve a better idea, I’ll send the power company a flyer that reads;
“How to charge less for gas & electricity”
step 1, stop being greedy b**tards,
step 2, see step 1.

Problem solved without anyone having to buy anything 🤷‍♂️
I’m actually seething about it now. It’s as if they’ve thought to themselves:
“Let’s hammer the prices then offer friendly advice on how the minions can reduce their bills by taking costly steps, because it’s their fault the prices are high as they’re using so much with their wasteful ways and ramshackle slums”.

I’d be laughing but I’m worried about the draught I’ll create! 😡
I just paid £388 for two weeks energy use.£250 for gas. Needless to say I’ve now turned the heating down!
Ive started using the Meter Readings App as we don't have a smart meter. Its really good - you set it up with the conversion from m cubed to kWh, plug in the costs - standing charges and unit rate, calorific value etc and gives all kinds of useful stats and graphs. At the moment im adding daily meter readings as ive been trying to establish a baseline before i play more with the heating controls. The only thing it doesn't record which would be useful is outside temp. Currently our weekly usage is 858 kWh at a cost of £90.09 - slightly up from last week, i guess as it's been colder outside. I need to do some more playing, but as we both work from home mostly at times we do need the heating on during the day - though i have taken to wearing my down gilet at my desk!
Here’s a laugh, my power company sent a flyer with “handy tips on how to reduce power bills”.
If I install solar, I could save £450 a year, insulate the attic another 100mm to save £30 a year, upgrade windows & doors to save £235 a year etc etc.
Oh yes, I’ll spend £7k on solar, £400 on insulation and around £10k on windows & doors all to save £700 a year. It’ll be 24+ years before the savings pay for the outlay!

I’ve a better idea, I’ll send the power company a flyer that reads;
“How to charge less for gas & electricity”
step 1, stop being greedy b**tards,
step 2, see step 1.

Problem solved without anyone having to buy anything 🤷‍♂️
Your “rage” from the brochure will actually keep you warm as well :)
Here’s a laugh, my power company sent a flyer with “handy tips on how to reduce power bills”.
If I install solar, I could save £450 a year, insulate the attic another 100mm to save £30 a year, upgrade windows & doors to save £235 a year etc etc.
Oh yes, I’ll spend £7k on solar, £400 on insulation and around £10k on windows & doors all to save £700 a year. It’ll be 24+ years before the savings pay for the outlay!

I’ve a better idea, I’ll send the power company a flyer that reads;
“How to charge less for gas & electricity”
step 1, stop being greedy b**tards,
step 2, see step 1.

Problem solved without anyone having to buy anything 🤷‍♂️
It's a bit like my least fave radio ad on GHR at the moment, which is a supercillious (big word for a Friday alert) woman telling us how we should all reduce our water usage for the good of the planet.
The source of this message: Southern Water; a company who would rather pay fines for the leaks in their system and filling the rivers and sea with 💩 'cos it's cheaper than actually fixing things.
Sorry, gone a bit OT there........as you were
It's a bit like my least fave radio ad on GHR at the moment, which is a supercillious (big word for a Friday alert) woman telling us how we should all reduce our water usage for the good of the planet.
The source of this message: Southern Water; a company who would rather pay fine for the leaks in their system and filling the rivers and sea with 💩 'cos it's cheaper than actually fixing things.
Sorry, gone a bit OT there........as you were
Its a bit like the current drive to use less energy at certain times. I remember hearing an interview with the CEO (or whatever) of Octopus Energy early last year talking about this initiative they were thinking about (rewarding people for using less energy at peak times). However the real drive for Octopus was that they were concerned they might not have sufficient energy to maintain supply to all their customers - and there are massive fines (£10M's) if they can't provide. So not really about saving the planet, more about their bottom line. I wonder if the drive for the current initiative is the same...
Ive started using the Meter Readings App as we don't have a smart meter. Its really good - you set it up with the conversion from m cubed to kWh, plug in the costs - standing charges and unit rate, calorific value etc and gives all kinds of useful stats and graphs. At the moment im adding daily meter readings as ive been trying to establish a baseline before i play more with the heating controls. The only thing it doesn't record which would be useful is outside temp. Currently our weekly usage is 858 kWh at a cost of £90.09 - slightly up from last week, i guess as it's been colder outside. I need to do some more playing, but as we both work from home mostly at times we do need the heating on during the day - though i have taken to wearing my down gilet at my desk!
Here's a question for any underfloor heating experts if they could advise. We have two zones controlled by thermostat/timers and each zone has two flow circuits (so there are 4 valves on the manifold in total). Both zones are set to off on the thermostat/timers, but one of the circuits in one of the zones has just opened and the boiler fired. Any ideas why? If this is happening throughout the day could explain why our gas use seems high (to me). Could it be something to do with the setback temperature being set too high? Any advice appreciated!
Ive started using the Meter Readings App as we don't have a smart meter. Its really good - you set it up with the conversion from m cubed to kWh, plug in the costs - standing charges and unit rate, calorific value etc and gives all kinds of useful stats and graphs. At the moment im adding daily meter readings as ive been trying to establish a baseline before i play more with the heating controls. The only thing it doesn't record which would be useful is outside temp. Currently our weekly usage is 858 kWh at a cost of £90.09 - slightly up from last week, i guess as it's been colder outside. I need to do some more playing, but as we both work from home mostly at times we do need the heating on during the day - though i have taken to wearing my down gilet at my desk!
Cheers 👍 I’ll have to look into that.
Here's a question for any underfloor heating experts if they could advise. We have two zones controlled by thermostat/timers and each zone has two flow circuits (so there are 4 valves on the manifold in total). Both zones are set to off on the thermostat/timers, but one of the circuits in one of the zones has just opened and the boiler fired. Any ideas why? If this is happening throughout the day could explain why our gas use seems high (to me). Could it be something to do with the setback temperature being set too high? Any advice appreciated!
Not an expert but yes if the room is cool enough to reach the set back temperature then the boiler will kick in to make sure it doesn’t fall below.
Not an expert but yes if the room is cool enough to reach the set back temperature then the boiler will kick in to make sure it doesn’t fall below.
Good shout BD. Ive over-ridden both and put into holiday mode by turning the temp right down to 9.5 deg and it's turned off. I guess one circuit had opened before as it was a bit colder. One zone is under kitchen tiles, the other under wood flooring and it was the kitchen zone that had turned on, maybe the tiles act as more of a heat sink. I'll have a play at the weekend with the setback temps.

One thing that's annoying with our Rehau system is that Mon-Fri you can have two periods for on/off but at the weekend only one which seems a bit weird. The default is to have it on pretty much all day. But for us we're normally out and about so would be better to have the same setting as the weekday - on in morning and evening. I may look at upgrading the timers.
Can i ask which meter reading app you are using please?
Ive started using the Meter Readings App as we don't have a smart meter. Its really good - you set it up with the conversion from m cubed to kWh, plug in the costs - standing charges and unit rate, calorific value etc and gives all kinds of useful stats and graphs. At the moment im adding daily meter readings as ive been trying to establish a baseline before i play more with the heating controls. The only thing it doesn't record which would be useful is outside temp. Currently our weekly usage is 858 kWh at a cost of £90.09 - slightly up from last week, i guess as it's been colder outside. I need to do some more playing, but as we both work from home mostly at times we do need the heating on during the day - though i have taken to wearing my down gilet at my desk!
I’d be interested to know what app you are using too. I downloaded one but it only works with smart meters..
Quick update: It’s almost the end of the month so it seemed like a good opportunity to check consumption for January.

GAS: £936 for 9055 kWh
• £1.26 per hour or £30.19 per day
• 12.17 kWh per hour or 292 kWh per day

That’s less than December - the heating has been on 24/7, but we’ve tweaked TRVs and been helped by much milder weather.

ELECTRICITY: £226 for 647 kWh
• £0.30 per hour or £7.29 per day
• 0.897 kWh per hour or 20.87 kWh per day
That is a lot and probably similar to ours if we ran it 24/7. I’m not prepared to pay that much and we’ve turned the temp down to 19 and turn off over night.

We use the log burner more too. Oh and I’ve moved my office in with my wife so we only heat one room.
Managed to finally get myself moved over to paying monthly because EDF only bill every 6 months . I thought it would be the best way to see what it was all costing .
So for 4 months ,1 October- 31 January . £850 total for Gas and electric (almost a 50:50 split) .
So £212 a month , 4 bed house house running at 17c with log burner back up in the lounge .
Im pretty pleased with that , but I did spend £300 on extra roof insulation and Draught proofing and £700 on under floor celotex insulation (all done in September) .

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