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How much do you spend on gas each day?

The milder weather these last few days means that we’re now down pennies over £20 for this last 24 hour period (gas only), which is back to early November levels. That’s with the heating set to 22 deg C.

If this Winter has been typical then we should probably brace ourselves for big gas billa for 3-4 months from mid-November. Fingers crossed we can switch the heating off from Easter and enjoy lower consumption.
“One thing that's annoying with our Rehau system is that Mon-Fri you can have two periods for on/off but at the weekend only one which seems a bit weird. The default is to have it on pretty much all day. But for us we're normally out and about so would be better to have the same setting as the weekday - on in morning and evening. I may look at upgrading the timers”.

Why not change your week on the system.. if Wed and Thur for eg are the same, set those for the single use Sat and Sun slots freeing up two two day slots for the weekend ??
I dont really pay much attention to how much gas we use, it is what it is.. We do have an intelligent Programmer though (Tado) which allows for unlimited temp settings for any day of the week, it also monitors our phones and if we go out it turns off all heating and reverts to a low preset value until one of our phones re-registers in the preset area, we have it set for 500m so on a cold day the heating will come on as soon as we are close to home
“One thing that's annoying with our Rehau system is that Mon-Fri you can have two periods for on/off but at the weekend only one which seems a bit weird. The default is to have it on pretty much all day. But for us we're normally out and about so would be better to have the same setting as the weekday - on in morning and evening. I may look at upgrading the timers”.

Why not change your week on the system.. if Wed and Thur for eg are the same, set those for the single use Sat and Sun slots freeing up two two day slots for the weekend ??
I might have a play again - hopefully i'll be able to turn the central heating off soon and just have the underfloor on. But also quite keen to update the timers etc so it's easier to see what the systems are doing.
I dont really pay much attention to how much gas we use, it is what it is.. We do have an intelligent Programmer though (Tado) which allows for unlimited temp settings for any day of the week, it also monitors our phones and if we go out it turns off all heating and reverts to a low preset value until one of our phones re-registers in the preset area, we have it set for 500m so on a cold day the heating will come on as soon as we are close to home
Ive been looking at Tado - does it work well?
Can i ask which meter reading app you are using please?
Sorry - just seen this! Its just called Meter Readings, copyright Graham Haley. The icon is a blue square with a dial that says kWh.
I’d be interested to know what app you are using too. I downloaded one but it only works with smart meters..
Sorry - just seen this! Its just called Meter Readings, copyright Graham Haley. The icon is a blue square with a dial that says kWh.
We recently got a Hive thermostat which I find very good. Being able to turn the heating on remotely is a god send!
Ive been looking at Tado - does it work well?
Hi Chris, yes it does work well. We have been using it for a few years now, the only downside is that it does require an active Internet connection to work, if your Internet goes down it has no way to set your programming so it stays on the last mode. You can override the temps etc via the Stat as normal.

We have nothing to do when leaving the house for shopping / holiday as our phones will use geolocation to say we are out so heating is on Frost Protect mode, which we have set to 16c.

We do have full remote access via the Phone App but the only time we interfier is if we have been out and its VVery CCold, we would then just open TadoApp and put the heating on manually. Otherwise we just let Tado manage the on and off using times and Geolocation

If we add meter readings to the app it can give you your running costs too, tbh it does a lot even as a basic system, you can then add Rad Stats and set temps for different rooms
We have an "intelligent" programmer, it's me.

When we have a blue sky sunny day anytime from Feb/March onwards the heating will be switched off until the sun goes down. Lots of south facing windows and a south facing conservatory does the heating.
The milder weather these last few days means that we’re now down pennies over £20 for this last 24 hour period (gas only), which is back to early November levels. That’s with the heating set to 22 deg C.

If this Winter has been typical then we should probably brace ourselves for big gas billa for 3-4 months from mid-November. Fingers crossed we can switch the heating off from Easter and enjoy lower consumption.
22 degrees!!??....I could not handle it that warm....18 or 19 tops for me!....which might be why my combined gas/electric is about a third your gas bill!!.....or of course you house could be a huge castle in the Outer Hebrides!!
22 degrees!!??....I could not handle it that warm....18 or 19 tops for me!....which might be why my combined gas/electric is about a third your gas bill!!.....or of course you house could be a huge castle in the Outer Hebrides!!
Not a castle but it has the heating bill for one 😁
Mindful that this thread is a dull as dishwater to most members, but it’s useful for me to both log how our energy costs are changing and to receive comments and ideas from other members. In time we may install a solar roof (waiting for Tesla to launch in the UK). So the latest update…

We’ve kept the heating set to 22 degrees for 24 hours per day since before Christmas, and as the weather has warmed up the daily cost has reduced steadily. I was hoping that we’d be able to switch the heating off from the end of March, and we’d see a dramatic reduction in cost.

We’ve been away for the last 10 days, so before leaving I turned the heating thermostats down to 11 degrees. As the internal temperature was unlikely to fall below that, the heating was as good as switched off. Having forgotten to switch it off, I left the hot water on 24 hours per day!

When we arrived home this evening it was 12 degrees outside according to my phone but 15.4 degrees according to ventilation system. Inside the warmest part of the house was 17.5 degrees and the coldest was 16.8 degrees. Based on that I think it’s unlikely that the heating would have kicked in at all during the time we were away.

Taking the “used this week” figure on the smart meter, and pro-rating it to allow for the remaining few hours of the week, it looks like we’ve used £9.35 (81 kWh) of gas per day whilst we were away. As there was no heating on, then I can only assume that is the cost of heating the water 24/7.

That may be artificially high because we have a pump which circulates the water around the house so you don’t have to wait more than a brief moment for the hot taps to run hot, and yes I also forgot to turn that off, so we’ll have been cooling and reheating more water than we needed to.

Pro-rating the electricity consumption in the same way shows that we’ve used £2.85 (46 kWh) of electricity per day. During that time there was minimal lighting - randomised timers on ambient lighting and PiR triggers outside - plus the air circulation system set on it’s lowest fan speed.

In March we used around £20 of gas and around £7.30 of electricity per day. When the house is unoccupied we use 40% of the electricity and 45% of the gas compared when the house is occupied. The weather has been a little milder in April so it’s probably around 50% in practice.

The biggest surprise is that it would appear that the cost of heating the water is a big proportion of the gas consumption (and therefore cost), around 50% in March/April. I’ll do some experimentation to measure the difference of heating water on a timer, and turning off the hot water circulation pump.
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Taking the “used this week” figure on the smart meter, and pro-rating it to allow for the remaining few hours of the week, it looks like we’ve used £9.35 (81 kWh) of gas per day whilst we were away. As there was no heating on, then I can only assume that is the cost of heating the water 24/7.

That's an astonishing amount of energy for what is essentially losses on a hot water system with no hot water being used.
I too had a circulating system for hot water although mine worked on thermo syphon that I designed myself rather than being pumped. It still managed to lose approx. 6 kw per day so I've turned it off. We now run taps close to the cylinder without circulation and heat water locally at the furthest tap which is 68ft of pipe work away from the cylinder.

Professionally I have worked with large pumped hot water systems with many dozens of outlets in large laboratory buildings and the losses are colossal. I came to the conclusion that heating water locally with under sink electric heaters was far more cost effective and this was 25 years ago when energy was cheap. That it also resolved concerns about legionella sealed the deal particularly for showers. There will still be losses if you heat locally but nothing like 81kWh a day for a domestic property.
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It's taken almost 18 months, but from March 18th we finally got our smart meters submitting half-hourly readings and can see accurate daily usage now. We're currently running the water heating for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening - this uses around 28 kWh of gas a day. When we also have the heating on for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening (both via the old Rayburn) that rises to 58 kWh a day, including a bit of use of the gas oven and hob. Highest daily gas usage so far has been 77 kWh, that was probably with some extra heating during the day. Electricity is fairly steady at 2-3 kWh a day thanks to the solar panels - highest day do far was 4.5, before BST started.
Intriguing reading Rob.

A long shot but I wonder if your hot water tank is twin coil? The spare coil can be used to throw a couple of solar panels up there to aid the heating of the water.

If it’s not a twin coil tank it maybe well worth investing in a replacement.
Haven’t read all the pages of this thread, but that seems like an astonishing amount of wasted gas energy to maintain the hot water when not in use and with reasonable ambient temperatures too?

I wonder if the pipework for the hot water is well insulated?

My other thoughts were would it perhaps be cheaper to invest in multiple combi type boilers or even a different source of heating the hot water? Long pipe runs must be the cause of the heat loss, so if you can avoid that you can reduce the losses.

Would definitely look at solar options, and consider if you can drop the HW temp a few degrees without getting too cool to grow bugs or reduce the performance? :)
Just a side note Rob. On a circulating hot water system it’s paramount that the pipes are maxed out with lagging to reduce heat loss.

Maybe check this out and if possible up the spec of the lagging.

Edit: Sorry @Will didn’t see your post making the same point. 👍
I guess in another thought though, whilst the house has been occupied over the winter months with the heating set at 22c (24 hours a day), any losses from the HW will just be heating the house with gas anyway via the HW system - so gas consumption relatively similar either way? :)
No wonder Rob came home to a cosy house. The circulating hot water was just enough to keep the CH stat from kicking in. 🤭🫣🫢

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