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Today I was out getting some decorating materials that I needed. On the way out of the store my attention was drawn across the road to a mercedes w210 estate turbodiesel avantgarde that was on a dealer's forecourt (non MB). On spending some time investigating the car I had decided to take it further as it looked great for the price £14,000. So out comes the dealer and he first asks what I would be trading in I told him that i would make my own arrangements to dispose of my current E class. He then went on to say that he could offer finance for the balance. I then told him that I aiready had the available funds to purchase the car outright. This is where it all went pear shaped. He said that the w210 was a rust bucket and that he would not be selling any more of them as he has to spend a fortune having them painted. He then tried to flog me a c250 estate turbodiesel instead same year "W reg", I pointed out that I wasn't interested in the c class as it was smaller and anyway my next door neighbour has one He then tried to interest me in an Audi diesel, I replied that i wasn't trading down to a Audi, I like the E class and will settle for nothing less and I wanted a test drive in it. He then said that he could not give me as good a deal on it and was evasive on me test driving it. I told him that if I liked the car I would pay what he wanted for it needless to say I didn't get the test drive