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International ringtone...


Staff member
May 21, 2003
If you called someones mobile and instead of the usual Ring Ring, you heard the slow Ring.......... Ring......... Ring....... would that be confirmation that they were indeed out of the country? The person in question is on Orange & it did after a while go to their voicemail.

Deffo out of the country though? the person in question is meant to be off sick...


Deffo out of the country though? the person in question is meant to be off sick...



NYC is nice this time of year, especially if you have a week off sick.....:rolleyes:

Def out of country, i travel all over the place and my phone rings like that in most places and its also an Orange work phone....
Perhaps he/she found the required NHS resource to be unavailable and exercised their right of choice and opted to be treated in Biarritz?

No? OK then maybe the message they left you was cut off as they entered the Channel Tunnel?

"Hi, I'm off sick" was really "Hi I'm off! Sick of all of you!".

Time to become KillerHurts....
I caught my ex wife out that way, she was supposed to be at a health spa for a weekend in the lake district with a couple of girls from her works while i worked that weekend:doh:
i rang her saturday evening and thought "strange ringtone" but never mentioned it, she said "yes darling we are enjoying the health spa" anyway later that night we had a family problem and i needed to get hold of her, kept trying but no answer so i rang orange (the contract was in my name luckily) and they basicly told me the phone was out of the country:confused: i was a tad confused when i rang one of the girls supposed to be on the same trip untill she gladly told me that my wife was on a dirty weekend with her boss in paris:devil:
I managed to keep a level head and kept it to my self untill i had everything in place for my departure, which was the weekend i had invited the wifes boss and his wife for dinner;)
Was he called Kevin Webster?
Assuming you're calling the work phone... and the contract is in the companies name... could you ask the company to trace the phone?

If it is a Blackberry handset, you can track the GPS co-ordinates of the device on the BES if you wish.

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