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Man Flu

Clinically proven to be more uncomfortable that childbirth. Does anyone have a quick cure other than, bottle of Scotch, just gave me a headache, lemsip, just did nothing, vick, was just smelly.

Maintain your fluid intake. Would suggest rehydration powders with water.

With ample water you can also take 1000mg of chewable vitamin C twice a day.
Think i'm developing a case of MF ..... can feel my sinuses clogging, and have a headache behind my left eye.....

Snotty too .....

Reckon this could lead to a few days off later this week .... :o
How bizzare, I've just come home early because I'm feeling terrible too, and I'm never ill - thumping headache and groggy! :(:crazy:

Must be an MBClub epedemic or something.:confused:

It's all Ian's fault :rolleyes::p

Best cure for a sore throat I know from a year in the Balkans...

1) One large measure home-made slivovitch (brandy, 75ml)

2) Heat to body temp (>40 degrees)

3) Grind peppercorns over your drink until there is a thick black floating layer of pepper

4) Down in one.

"Kills all known germs"

Provides relief from a few viruses too.
I recommend laying off the Renaults and Diesels in general to promote a speedier recovery ;)
The only way to deal with proper flu is to sort it out when you first feel it (that fuzzy blocked sinus feeling) by taking lemsip max. As for manflu, a hug from your wife normally sorts this out. Then get out of bed and plaster the wall you had promised to do for months. ;)

Rest in the warmth, plenty of fluids (not alchy stuff), sudafeds work a treat if you have proper MF. if its just Boys MF then lemsip max strength will get shut of it.

Vicks vapour rub on the back of the neck and the chest will fire up some defences too. Then wrap up warm and go out for a brisk walk in the clear air.
it may develop to leave you with a throaty cough. Herbal cattarh tablets clear that up as they break down the cak in the back of your throat.

Then get yourself on zinc tablets. dunno what they do but you never get it as bad once you start increasing zinc in your system. it seems to prevent you catching all but the worst off others too.

And PMA helps too. keep looking positive, onward and onwards, always onwards. never look back!
I have flu .....

Sinuses pouring out dark green thick goo .....:crazy:

Feels like someone is trying to push their way out of my skull and my eyes hurt ....

So bad , i didnt even turn the PC on yesterday ..... :eek:

Been off work for two days now ...... feel like i'm dying ......
aaaaaaaaaaaw - poor you. Hope oyu feel better soon.
I have the cure, but let's keep it to us blokes, right??

Oi Pammy, no peeking!!
Too incredible to believe, but I was fine when I posted further up the thread on Saturday evening, but within an hour was starting to feel unwell. :crazy:

Couldn't sleep on Saturday or Sunday nights because of the pain in my eyes, and halucinating on Sunday for a few hours (an awful experience), and this morning my temperature has dropped to below 39.5C for the first time since Saturday night!!

Pain behind the eyes was just like a constant ice cream burn - you know when you get that pain when ice cream is too cold, behind the eyes and across the temples?

When I moved my head - or more importantly my body - my vision was blurred and seemed like it had to catch-up like it was on a spring. Really bizarre.

Doctor said yesterday the strange blurring was because my inner ear was infected, and my brain was getting confused messages from my eyes and inner ear, and hence why I was unsteady on my feet.

It must have been bad because I've not been on here since Saturday night!! :eek: :crazy:

Now I have two theories.

#1 Ian gave it to me in the form of a computer-human hybrid virus

#2 Pammy has friends in very high places, and it's my comeuppence for my recent cheekiness!!
Now I have two theories.

#1 Ian gave it to me in the form of a computer-human hybrid virus

#2 Pammy has friends in very high places, and it's my comeuppence for my recent cheekiness!!

I do have friends in very high places :D :D and just desserts will always be served :D

But really sorry to hear you've been proper poorly - not man flu! Sounds like you have been very unwell. Not very nice symptoms those. But glad you're on the mend and back to your cheeky ways :D:D
They just don't get it do they :confused: :rolleyes: ;) :D .

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