They’re not for me personally, I didn’t want to say anything but as long as you like them that’s all that matters 
FWIW, I know they’re probably good quality etc but I’ve never been keen on aftermarket wheels even the Vossens etc that quite a few people like - it’s a personal thing I guess
Out of interest the original wheels on your E55, could probably easily be repaired and refurbished properly. I’ve had five sets of those wheels - cracks are fairly common and not a big deal to have repaired correctly. Unless it’s a bad job there’s probably more chance that either that wheel or one of the others is slightly buckled/flat spotted - any decent wheel refurbisher will be able to true them to perfection and restore them to as new condition if you decide to change back

FWIW, I know they’re probably good quality etc but I’ve never been keen on aftermarket wheels even the Vossens etc that quite a few people like - it’s a personal thing I guess

Out of interest the original wheels on your E55, could probably easily be repaired and refurbished properly. I’ve had five sets of those wheels - cracks are fairly common and not a big deal to have repaired correctly. Unless it’s a bad job there’s probably more chance that either that wheel or one of the others is slightly buckled/flat spotted - any decent wheel refurbisher will be able to true them to perfection and restore them to as new condition if you decide to change back