Strong and unnecessary posts Alfie, you are not a moderator, the forum is here for MB owners and anyone else to openly discuss anything - from Brexit to GLC gate. Members ask for and receive help from other owners / forum members. Take a look at your own posts - someone has an issue with the Command / audio system and post / pollute the forum with a question or complaint, you pop along and help / sell them something

Hundreds of GLC owners have complained directly to their MB dealer and MB UK, but these owners are being failed by MB
There are only 3 threads out of thousands on this forum, discussing the GLC problem. If you don't wish to hear what GLC owners have to say, don't click the links, it's that easy.
Many GLC owners searching for a solution or answers to their GLC fault find the forums, which is fantastic and allows us all to identify real issues and build a case. This is what social media forums are designed for - not just a sales and marketing tool
We appreciate your earlier comments, but Please feel free to opt out of our discussion.