Without trying to reignite this, I've avoided replying to this till now as I wanted it to calm down a little.
Being personally attacked on this forum is not what I'm here for, i'm here to discuss issues I have experienced with my GLC and I'm looking to discuss this with others that have similar issues, I'm not here to be told i'm an idiot, a fool, i'm mistaken, i'm having a medical episode or anything similar.
* Note an accounts posting signatures is not visable when accessing this forum via TapTalk, plus Business and personal posts on the same forum account is something that should be frowned upon, because not mater what the attention is, it can be misleading and across many industries, this sort of thing is against the law, I know because I work in the finance industry and many people have end up in jail.
I had a go at Alfie because he was attacking another user on this forum and he had very strong personal opinions on what is all the fuss about, as he has said in his opinion, nothing unique here, he has seen it on many many cars and it's normal. However, Alfie works in the motor industry and is also according to his account an MB enthusiast, and as such, people who work in a particular industry and/or an enthusiast in something will always have a different views and different tolerance levels to that of a lay person. So you have to be mindful of what you say and how you say it. As an example, I work in the IT industry, I see lots of people struggle with their home computers, they see things totally diferent to me as an expert, even though I don't specialse in Home computers I am far more informed than they are, so I know and I understand my views and what I may consider nonesense, is not the way they will see it, so I refrain from attacking them and belittling them.
As we know many people have experienced this issue, it's across many forums, websites, newspaper articles, Mercedes half admit it's a problem.
We know the problem is intermittent, we know the problem affects some more than others, we know people have different tolerence levels, we know some people don't see an issue.
Some people are talking here about this issue as it is affecting them in some form, they have gone to Mercedes and feel they haven't got the resolution they seek. These people are exchanging experiences and discussing the differing stories that Mercedes have told. They are here to support each other and look for support from others. They are not here to be attacked, insulted, belittled, told they have nothing to worry about, etc.
I hope eveyone can pull together and support each other, that's all i'm looking for.
Oh, apart from the dig at me, nice thought out post Richard!