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My R129 500SL Progress

Hi All,

So it is with regret that the car sold on eBay and a deposit has been placed on the SL, thankfully by a fellow enthusiast who already has an SL and has followed this thread.

It is due for collection Monday but the new owner requested that he would like the car inspected, does anyone have any idea of who (recommended specialist) would perform this?

Mercedes Guildford said they offer a 'peace of mind' check but no point as this would have been done 2 weeks ago and I've only done 30 miles since.

AA/RAC only go upto 15 year old cars.

Anyone else recommended? Ideally who come out to you at short notice?

Can you not just email the buyer a link to the video that MB Guildford did?
Was included in the advert and a link to this thread.
Seems a bit strange, I’d buy your car blind - even if it were inspected and they found some minor issues what would you expect for a 20+ year old/100k mile car?

The car looks great and the advert is very honest, the recent MOT and trip to MB should be enough for a car of this value - cosmetically and driving wise the new owner can do that themselves but even with an inspection it could go wrong on the way home, that’s just the way with older cars and private sales! :)
I'd also expect that if the buyer wants an inspection, they should be organising it surely?
Was included in the advert and a link to this thread.
That's strange then, because the fact that the car has just been serviced at a Mercedes dealer and given a clean bill of health (with video for evidence) should surely be enough?!
Your, well your old, SL is a thing of majesty and is a far superior vehicle to a porsche 928.
I never could get excited about the 928, they just look odd to me but to each their own.

The buyer of this SL is a bit of a Muppet if they're insisting on an inspection given a). This bloody thread! and b). The MB walk-around video; Moon on a stick I tell ya!!
I'm with everyone else on this. The buyer really should be arranging there own inspection whether this thread existed or not to be honest isn't that the whole point of a third party inspection ? to get an unbiased view. If you were to arrange it they could always say it was your mate of a mates, sisters boyfriend you knew.

I can play devils advocate a bit as threads can be tailored to show the wins and losses as one sees fit (that's not a dig against you in anyway I love your work!) but at the end of day they need to inspect their purchase for full buying confidence.

Sounds like there trying they're luck and squeezing a little extra out of the deal.
Well it all seems a little strange,but I would email/call him and ask who he is getting to do the inspection and when would they like to do it as you have things on this weekend but will attempt to be in when they call,and is he still collecting the car on Monday.
I tried to arrange an inspection in SW London when I was trying to buy SL1 all those years ago (erm, 2016) but it was a pain in the **** trying to find a time the vendor could do and when an indie had a ramp free. I think Olly at PCS in Horndean, down at the far end of the A3, offers an inspection service and would come out to the car but at the same time he's running a busy garage. Perhaps try SS Motors or someone like that, at his expense. It's a 27 yo 100k+ mile Merc for substantially less than 10k, it's not the bloody Crown Jewels, albeit it is a great car and built like the proverbial tank.
Thanks Guys,

So I think there is a plan now. The new keeper has booked her into Star Tec for a once over, I'm only limited to 1 hour lunch so I'm hoping to do a test drive and then drop the keeper and car at garage. Ideally I want to stay with the car but that is going to depend on how long they take. I wasn't keen on it being left out of sight while in my ownership as you always hear garage horror stories. No discredit to star tec. I want the buyer to be confident and happy but at the same time, I can only bend over so much, plus my work doesn't help with time.

I cleaned the car up last night, it's looking amazing and it made think am I doing the right thing.. I do love it, I even got a thumbs up from a C63 on the way back to mine.

Some teaser pics I sent to the new keeper.






Oh and by the way, anyone that was interested in the Fusso coat wax, BUY IT! It's amazing, beads water like nothing else I have seen!!
Tell the buyer to make his own arrangements at the MB dealer and to let you know when it's booked in. You'll drive it down there and have it inspected.
When you have scratched the 928 itch (say in 6 months time) you will want the SL back.
It's booked now. I need the car to go on Monday, as has been promised. I've got the 928 coming Tuesday evening and the Mercedes policy is due for cancellation Monday night. The mercedes only has a spot on the road if the 2 cross over.

I'm sure the car will be OK at Star Tec, once we arrive there after a test drive, I have requested that the balance be transferred, at that point, it is no longer my car to worry over and back to work I go. Even though star tec are across the road from work, I purposely chose to take the car 45 minutes out of my way to Mercedes Guildford, I don't have the time to take it back there as work require leave notice and I don't want to lose a days pay and to be honest, as mercedes said, we've just looked at it, plus they have a 2-3 week waiting list. Doh!
When you have scratched the 928 itch (say in 6 months time) you will want the SL back.

I will get another, 100%. I just hope that the prices haven't risen crazy amount in that time. They seem to be climbing now, so much so I think I should have adverted mine for a touch more.

The guy buying my car actually has one which needs some work so a deal may be done there later down the line!
plus they have a 2-3 week waiting list.

I rang MB Guildford yesterday to book my R129 in for an MOT. I thought I was being pretty organised as it's not due till August 6th, but the first slot they had free was for 8AM on August 6th (and no other times available that day)! MOTs used to be free for cars 9+ years old, then £10 ... £20 now but still cheap.
After you scratch the 928 itch, try an SL55. My most expensive car is an AM V8V, my SL55 beats it in almost every way except for price.

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