What a thread!
Oh my goodness me!
I've been reading this thread since it started.....I've not been online since this morning, and its gone from 3 pages to 7!
As it appears the issue between both gentleman has been verbally resolved, I won't be commenting on the work which sporned this thread.
But my 2p's worth about forums:
Forums are all about personal opions, open discussions and a nice bit of banter thrown in for good measure.
Whether it be good or bad, the public should be free to read - isn't it just another form of "word-of-mouth"?
OK, this thread could have been seen as to be in the wrong forum room originally, but as mentioned, the general area is full of threads which could easily be pigeon-holed into other ones. So the public get to read a negative review of a place of a business? What difference does it make? Is it not better to let the public have informed opinions of a business before making a descision as to whether to use it or not?
Fact is that the members who've praised W124 Works will no doubt continue to use them. I don't believe any one's livelihood is a stake over this (not that this has been implied by anyone's replies - that's just me stating a fact).
I joined this forum because of it's fair, kind and helpful nature.
OK, some members may not like what's been posted, or where a particular thread has been posted. But any debates or disagreements should be handled in a respectful and mature manner, and worded so no replies can be misconstrude (sometimes with the aid of emoticons) - let's not forget typing replies and reading them is a simple form of communication (eg. something meant as an informative reply, could come across very "pushy" and maybe rude).
And it is my belief that whatever disagreements may take place on a forum such as this, members should have their say, and it should be left - ie. no grudges or long-term negative comments should affect anyone who has voiced their opinions in this or any thread - again just my personal comment.
So now the issue has been resolved, please let's just get this forum back to it's informative, friendly norm
44mattda - here in the Norfolk region, the weather has been set fair