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My W124 Works experience

Can we call this a day. Nothing posted in future is going to make anyone feel any better. I have faced up. Nav has accepted an agreement. End of.
I thought Nav said he would post up what the cause of the fault is and how it gets sorted a page or so back so it would be nice to keep this open at least until then just so he can inform us how it was fixed but i agree the issue between yourselves has now been sorted and this thread does not need any more debate especially from a certain ranting member.
Are you the sleeping partner in W124 Works by any chance??

Mark T, I have alot more respect for Ian than you. It takes a "MAN" to admit when he's wrong.

If you had just waited for Ian to respond, you wouldn't have made such a prat of yourself in public on numerous occasions today.

From Ian's post today, its clear he is a "MAN" of integrity and can clearly doesn't need people like you to defend him especially when you make the situation worse. Its clear from the responses you have from other members that your opinions are unsubstantiated and inflammatory.

I really hope i do not have the pleasure to meet you in person.

i find your way of dealing with things childish and your offensive, and you are just lowering your self like your cars ....
I thought Nav said he would post up what the cause of the fault is and how it gets sorted a page or so back so it would be nice to keep this open at least until then just so he can inform us how it was fixed but i agree the issue between yourselves has now been sorted and this thread does not need any more debate especially from a certain ranting member.

ranting who me ...met blokes like you before ... wind ups ...
I thought Nav said he would post up what the cause of the fault is and how it gets sorted a page or so back so it would be nice to keep this open at least until then just so he can inform us how it was fixed.

Might be best on a new thread though....in the Electronics section maybe.
Wasnt the weather lovely today......
ranting who me ...met blokes like you before ... wind ups ...

I'm sorry? I'm a wind up?

Well I've been called worse things, since i don't really want to get banned over such an insignificant issue i wont bother to detail how i feel about blokes like you but it rhymes with Rick.

Might be best on a new thread though....in the Electronics section maybe.

Didn't think of that.

Sounds like a plan
Mark wil be taking a short break until tomorrow to cool down, which I hope will take the unecessary heat out this thread. I think we got the light hearted point, but please lets keep the thread on topic or let it come to a natural rest.
Have to say guys, this thread has been a very interesting read, after all we all come on this forum to share ideas/experiences and discussions as we are all passionate about the Mercedes brand.
From what I can see this forum has been used as a mediator in a constructive manner between 2 members to resolve a dispute which might not have been resolved had it continued in the same manner. I can totally understand Nav's dissatisfaction for Ian service as those who followed his journey from start to finish with his SEC can truly appreciate how much time, money and effort had gone into his outstanding Mercedes.
It is his pride and joy and rightly so.
However I must also commend Nav on his restraint whilst posting his experience with W124 Works and Ian for realising his error and learning from it, after all life is all about learning whether it be business or personal.
As for the agitated member who has frequently cropped up in this thread, give the guys a break!!! If you had followed Nav's thread on his SEC it took him a hell of a long time to get his car sorted and running properly without any issues to suddenly be put back in the same scenario of being immobile.
This forum is a friendly place and im sure we are all mature and civilised adults to deal with issues so LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY GUYS!!!
The mechanical problems seemed to have started with the the crank pulley.
I'm not familiar with the V8 but Ian seemed to have problems removing it it.
Was a 2 leg puller used ?
How come it keeps coming undone ? Is there a woodruff key that's been sheared off ?
On an automatic I've found you can stop the crank turning when tightening to the correct torque by removing the starter and putting a large flat bladed screw driver into the teeth.

As for the ECU I would try one of the official Mercedes used parts centres like http://www.mbatc.de/cp/default.asp?PageNo=DEFAULT

There's also tons of stuff on ebay.de

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The mechanical problems seemed to have started with the the crank pulley.
I'm not familiar with the V8 but Ian seemed to have problems removing it it.
Was a 2 leg puller used ?
How come it keeps coming undone ? Is there a woodruff key that's been sheared off ?
On an automatic I've found you can stop the crank turning when tightening to the correct torque by removing the starter and putting a large flat bladed screw driver into the teeth.


I do not need to tell you about the torque as you know about these things, it could have been disaster. I know on ML's where the wood ruff key has messed up the crankshaft. Its been fine since Ollie fitted it again.
Was a 2 leg puller used ?
How come it keeps coming undone ?
Is there a woodruff key that's been sheared off ?
There's also tons of stuff on ebay.de

3 leg puller
Original pulley was warped when removed, vibration from this caused it to work itself loose.
Luckily no key damage
Been on ebay, no joy, but i have contacts in Germany.

I know Nav didn't want to go down this route, glad to see this looks as though it's sorted out now as ammicably as possible.

It's always difficult resolving situations when 'friends' are involved as that's what many of the people on this forum are / have become.

Pepernick is off to the ring soon and mentioned the CLK55 exhaust he is getting on route from German breakers...

Could be worth a call if they have what you need?
Thank you everyone for your comments, good and bad.

Yes I was wrong. I spoke with him today to find a resolve on the issue. I have admitted liability and am quite prepared to have the issue resolved irrespective of cost. Nav is a fair person and deserves better than I have acted. A lesson well learnt. I trust what we have discussed will result in a success story rather than a tail of woe.

Taken me a while to read this whole thread!!

I would like to commend both gentlemen.

1) KLP for speaking out fairly (I believe) as we all know Ian is a very respected member on this forum.
2) For Ian admitting his mistake (whether right or wrong) as I have only read KLP side of the story.

I am glad for you both that the issue has been resolved.
You are both very well respected member on this forum and I hope you can both move forward and share your know knowledge and passion for mercedes cars.
What a thread!

Oh my goodness me!

I've been reading this thread since it started.....I've not been online since this morning, and its gone from 3 pages to 7!

As it appears the issue between both gentleman has been verbally resolved, I won't be commenting on the work which sporned this thread.

But my 2p's worth about forums:

Forums are all about personal opions, open discussions and a nice bit of banter thrown in for good measure.
Whether it be good or bad, the public should be free to read - isn't it just another form of "word-of-mouth"?
OK, this thread could have been seen as to be in the wrong forum room originally, but as mentioned, the general area is full of threads which could easily be pigeon-holed into other ones. So the public get to read a negative review of a place of a business? What difference does it make? Is it not better to let the public have informed opinions of a business before making a descision as to whether to use it or not?
Fact is that the members who've praised W124 Works will no doubt continue to use them. I don't believe any one's livelihood is a stake over this (not that this has been implied by anyone's replies - that's just me stating a fact).

I joined this forum because of it's fair, kind and helpful nature.

OK, some members may not like what's been posted, or where a particular thread has been posted. But any debates or disagreements should be handled in a respectful and mature manner, and worded so no replies can be misconstrude (sometimes with the aid of emoticons) - let's not forget typing replies and reading them is a simple form of communication (eg. something meant as an informative reply, could come across very "pushy" and maybe rude).
And it is my belief that whatever disagreements may take place on a forum such as this, members should have their say, and it should be left - ie. no grudges or long-term negative comments should affect anyone who has voiced their opinions in this or any thread - again just my personal comment.

So now the issue has been resolved, please let's just get this forum back to it's informative, friendly norm :)



44mattda - here in the Norfolk region, the weather has been set fair ;) :D
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WOW.....I think a good stiff drink is in order after this one !!!!!

I'm buying :bannana::bannana::bannana:
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I dont know KLP, but i have seen his posts here and there.

Your SEC is simply beautiful.

I would give my left arm for your car.

I hope all is resolved soon..

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