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New Business Venture


Whilst I understand your opinion you have to remember that for a lot of people, the first thing about "Your" company they see is the advert whether that be in a paper, on TV or on a web site. If that advert looks "tacky" or "amatuerish(??)" then that's the impression they can have about your firm I'm afraid. first impressions do count.

Now I'm not saying one has to spend thousands on a web site but just because one has "Some HTML skills" it will not make them a web designer. There's lots more to it than adding text to a page.

As was said about accountants, "horses for courses"
I have my own website at the moment (www.r129.co.uk) that I started but not really had much time to do anything with. I could do another quite easily but it seems there's a lot of these packages with a Ltd company, stationary, accounting and wesite design and hosting for a few hundred pounds.

Generally speaking most wheel refurb websites are pretty bad - the big names like Lepsons, Pristine and Spit & Polish have more work than they can deal with so don't bother it seems.

If it does go to plan then obviously I'd attend GTGs and offer my services.

The 'Ford' is predominantly a Jaguar, not that it matters as the important parts (suspension, chassis, engine, body) are all bespoke. It could be a Merc underneath for all I care, it's beautiful ;). No I won't be selling it - unless I get so busy I never get to drive it but then I don't plan to spend all my waking hours working.

That's a fair pont, and I wasn't trying to 'do you down', but I did say that if you don't want (or expect) the website to drive business, but just to confirm your company does exist (which is what mine does), then that's all you need.

In general, in the eyes of potential customers, all businesses need a web presence. It just depends upon what you want it to do for you.
I have my own website at the moment (www.r129.co.uk) that I started but not really had much time to do anything with. I could do another quite easily but it seems there's a lot of these packages with a Ltd company, stationary, accounting and wesite design and hosting for a few hundred pounds.

Generally speaking most wheel refurb websites are pretty bad - the big names like Lepsons, Pristine and Spit & Polish have more work than they can deal with so don't bother it seems.

If it does go to plan then obviously I'd attend GTGs and offer my services.

The 'Ford' is predominantly a Jaguar, not that it matters as the important parts (suspension, chassis, engine, body) are all bespoke. It could be a Merc underneath for all I care, it's beautiful ;). No I won't be selling it - unless I get so busy I never get to drive it but then I don't plan to spend all my waking hours working.

What site is http://www.**********.com/ ?

It's ok, I didn't think you were trying to.;) I just thought I'd say that as it's something I come across all the time.. "My cousin's 15 year old son has an html book and therefore is a web designer"...

First impressions do count but as you say in the yellow pages, most people just have an address and phone number and that's it. It all depends what you're after.

Stats - I agree, most of the wheel refurb sites I've seen are pants. At the moment I guess it's ok but soon, not many people will have "yellow pages" lying around as they will be using the web so the competition will 'hot up' in that space.

Deffo put me down for a couple of refurbs though when you do get up and running if you come out to Essex..!! My two off side wheels are new (Insurance claim) but the near sides had been curbed a bit before I got it and need attention.
Another Essex member - he's heavily involved with MBOC so worth knowing if local?
Well looks like I will be taking the plunge! Hopefully will be up and running in a month - first things first - the company name! If anyone has some decent suggestions pm me!
how about "perfectawheel"
Wheel be all Right (we'll be alright)..!
Mr Wheels
smart Wheels
Rim Shine
Rimms Right
No more Scuffs
Scuffs away
Scuff Repairs
Wheels to you
Mobile Rimm Repairs

You did say wheel refurbs didn't you..??
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How about this then..??

Wheelheal / Wheelheel ? Both have xxxx.co.uk and xxxx.com available.

Ok. I'll get me coat...

Whatever you decide on, the best of luck with your business.
I looked into setting up a wheel wizard franchise a year ago. I had the finance in place and backed out at the last minute. My plan was to extend into running 3-5 vans and the figures dont quite work when running the business with employees.
There is a place in the market, and as long as your work is spot on you will have regular custom.
Thanks for the suggestions! Not too keen on anything with 'rim' in the title - had initially thought of Prestige Wheels but figured Olly wouldn't like it :D.
Surrey Wheels was another idea but I might end up moving so thought it better to keep a location out of the name.
Hey, "Prestige Wheels" sounds good and is not related to "Prestige Car Services" - it's a different field, and nothing wrong with having a similar sounding name...

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