MB Enthusiast
I just had a fortunate encounter with our local constabulary, I say fortunate because I was travelling at 40 ish along a dual carriageway that has recently been altered from a 40 MPH zone to a 30. The car was an unmarked red Vauxhall Vectra with 2 uniformed officers in and pulled alongside me at a red light. The conversation went
" Excuse me sir, do you know what the speed limit is on this road ?"
"Well I believe it's 40 officer"
"No, it's 30, and do you know what speed you were doing ?"
Yes officer, about 40 which I thought was the limit"
At this point, having owned up, I was sure I was getting a ticket but good old Plod said
"Nice car, you need to look after it and yourself by keeping your speed down. On your way and dont let me catch you again "
"YES SIR.. and it wont happen again"
Now try that with you local speed camera...
Meanwhile a W124 E300 had pulled up at the back of the unmarked car and obviously didn't see the police uniforms and thought we were just chatting so when the light changed he beeped his horn to try to gee them up a little bit. Oh and they obliged. They left me alone and set off, I of course set off very slowly just having been warned about my speed and when a gap big enough appeared in front of me this guy in the E300 gunned it, cut in front of me and passed the unmarked car on the inside. I nearly wet myself laughing, it wasn't the smartest trick on a stretch of road with 11 sets of traffic lights in 2 miles. Sure enough, 500 yards down the road there was the Vectra and Mercedes, all 3 people out of the cars as he tried to explain himself. Somehow I dont think he'll have got a "mind how you go and dont do it again"
" Excuse me sir, do you know what the speed limit is on this road ?"
"Well I believe it's 40 officer"
"No, it's 30, and do you know what speed you were doing ?"
Yes officer, about 40 which I thought was the limit"
At this point, having owned up, I was sure I was getting a ticket but good old Plod said
"Nice car, you need to look after it and yourself by keeping your speed down. On your way and dont let me catch you again "
"YES SIR.. and it wont happen again"
Now try that with you local speed camera...

Meanwhile a W124 E300 had pulled up at the back of the unmarked car and obviously didn't see the police uniforms and thought we were just chatting so when the light changed he beeped his horn to try to gee them up a little bit. Oh and they obliged. They left me alone and set off, I of course set off very slowly just having been warned about my speed and when a gap big enough appeared in front of me this guy in the E300 gunned it, cut in front of me and passed the unmarked car on the inside. I nearly wet myself laughing, it wasn't the smartest trick on a stretch of road with 11 sets of traffic lights in 2 miles. Sure enough, 500 yards down the road there was the Vectra and Mercedes, all 3 people out of the cars as he tried to explain himself. Somehow I dont think he'll have got a "mind how you go and dont do it again"