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Recent purchase thread

Saw him in Poole in 1987. Girlfriend dragged me to see him as I wasn't a fan.

Until the end of the show. He did the mole/shotgun/stool joke brilliantly and was far more human and funnier than his then TV persona. Not a bad live singing voice either.
Don't forget the grey squirrels - tree rats as my friend calls them - and shoots whenever his wife is not watching! He even has a friend to give them to who skins, guts and cooks them! Apparently they make good eating! Rabbits too - I used to occasionally get one at our old house, skinned, gutted (smelly nasty job!) and cooked them for the dogs, who loved them!
Pesky wabbits and this is for the rats

Can you get close enough in daylight? Mine (and the rats) became twitchy as hell when I started taking them and only come out at night. My setup's not as nice as yours but gets the job done!

Yes there not that clued up yet (rabbits anyway) with the daystate you don't need to be close it's like a laser even +50m but abit long for genral ratting hence the AirMarks Katran .22 or the AGT vixen long 1.77 🙂
I shoot from sticks now and 40 metres is my absolute maximum ... 35 or less preferred. More accurate from a bipod but there are too many places in our paddocks where you can no longer see the target once you're down on the ground. I wiped out all our rabbits and rats over a period of about 18 months but saw some scrapings this morning and did find one rabbit tonight. Got to within 60 metres then he was off and didn't come back.

Quite fancied a Katran (or Krait) but couldn't justify it as the HW110 is pretty well sorted and I'm determined not to start collecting :D

I use a 5-20 scope that covers both rats & rabbits just fine. Plus a thermal spotter.
The HW110 was on my list but the red wolfe came up complete set up with 7 lt dive bottle so i couldn't refuse 🙂
Managed to get the ponies' winter paddock done this morning :)


Up to now I've used an ancient (and much smaller) drag harrow that the previous owner left behind in a shed. She apparently pulled it behind a pair of Shetland ponies!
At M&S today, pants were £38 for a pack of five and socks were £18 for three pairs. I wish I hadn’t looked at the label now 🙈
At M&S today, pants were £38 for a pack of five and socks were £18 for three pairs. I wish I hadn’t looked at the label now 🙈

As a Yorkshireman, to me the cheapest option from that lot is 6 socks at £3 each, compared with pants at nearly double that.

The socks can also double as a willy warmer.

I'll get my coat ......
Some random purchases (aren’t they always!)

Starguider eyepiece lenses in 18mm and 5mm for my telescope (after my interest in astronomy was rekindled from a recent visit to Kielder Observatory). Just waiting for clear skies and the moon to appear now. I did spend a couple of really satisfying hours collimating the telescope and it’s now perfect!

Plus a couple of Koni Sport rear shocks (Koni yellows) for the Alfa as one has sprung a leak.

Next up will be a heated washer jet assembly for the S212 though my bodge is holding up so this might get pushed down the priority list!
(after my interest in astronomy was rekindled from a recent visit to Kielder Observatory).

As an aside, our house was apparently named "Jodders" after the Jodrell Bank Observatory! This was 40+ years ago.

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