Sweetpea I didn't say batter them to a pulp

I said a sharp crack as in one. I also didn't say it was the only weapon in my armoury and feel offended that you seem to think I did! I have two older teenagers of my own both are quite level headed and I haven't beaten either of them. They have not overstepped the mark, all I was insinuating is the "poor little dears that cross the road looking directly at you in your car daring you the driver to hit" them may have benefited from a little more discipline in their formative years, other than "now little Johnny please don't do that, angel" type mentality.
As for your insinuation that I am a Daily Mail reader sorry to disappoint but I don't read any newspapers on a regular basis. Nor do I lean one way or the other in a political sense. I say and vote on the things which I see as being pertinent to me and mine at the time.

I'm sorry if I offended your liberal viewpoint as I said it was bound to upset some. I do know one thing though there are a lot more children who are violent, foul-mouthed, spitting in the street little thugs than there used to be. I respected my parents which is a lot more than can be said when walking around with your eyes open in today's society.
Perhaps you don't agree with my viewpoint but don't turn it into a personal attack. A mother lion does not abuse her cubs she just puts them in their place nothing more nothing less.