A few years ago I'd just done a full decon and DA polish on my wife's then new-to-us SLK and it was gleaming. I went to give it a wash a week or so later and the bonnet was really rough and felt like sandpaper. I realised that it was metal particles after I tried some IronX on it and the bonnet turned purple.

The neighbours had their garage door replaced that week and I guess that the fitters must have had to cut some metal off the old door and had showered our car with the sparks, which then embedded themselves into the bonnet and front wing on that side.
As my neighbours are the sort who think even washing a car once a year is too often I knew it would be pointless causing friction over it. I'm sure I'd have got the 'it's just a car' line so I IronX treated the whole front of the car and repolished it. You can see from this more recent picture how close the car was to them working, yet they never considered knocking on the door and asking us if we wanted to move it out of the way while they worked. (Yes I know my garage door could do with a paint, but I'll wait until they get a nice car and get it replaced

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